Academic Year 2019/2020 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Flavia FRISONE
Credit Value: 9
Scientific field: L-ANT/02 - GREEK HISTORY
Taught classes: 54 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course aims at offering students a complete knowledge of Greek history with a good understanding of the distinctive features of the Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic periods. Attendance at the course will allow them to understand the main socio-political and economic phenomena which affected the Hellenic world, with their peculiar historical development, as well as their most significant historical, social and cultural wide-ranging connections. They will also learn some essential critical and historiographical equipments and methods. Consistent with the general purposes of the Degree Course, attendance at the course of Greek history is intended to encourage students’ attention toward an important part of their own cultural heritage either to enhance their knowlwdges and to improve their skills in communicate it.

Detailed Course Content

-Geographic and chronological framing of the Hellenic World, with reference to its historical, cultural and anthropological peculiarities, and of ancient historiography (elements) (Module A: 2CFU).

- Lineaments of Greek history from the Mycenaean period to Hellenism, with related periodization (Module B: 4CFU), with a particular attention to the following topics (Modulus B: 4CFU):

  • Polis: the socio-political model of the city-state, its formation and its development
  • Archaic apoikìa and Greek colonial experiences, with particular reference to Sicily
  • Archaic aristocracies between competition and political reforms
  • Tyrants and autocratic systems (with particular reference to the innovative experiences of Greek Sicily)
  • The Persian Wars: a historical watershed
  • Hegemonic bipolarism in Greece and the Peloponnesian War
  • Greece beyond the polis: koinà, ethne and inter-state polities
  • Conflicts for hegemony and the affirmation of Philip of Macedonia
  • Alexander and the conquest of the East
  • The historical model of the universal monarchy and the Hellenistic monarchies
  • The Hellenistic world between tradition and innovation

- Thematic study (with elements of historiographical analysis and critics review): Mythical geography, travel stories and images of the world in Greek culture of the Archaic and Classical periods(Modulo C: 3 CFU) (Module C: 3CFU).

Textbook Information

Historical Atlans (free choose);

Module A

G. Daverio Rocchi, Il mondo dei Greci. Profilo di storia, civiltà e costume, Milan 2008, pp. 5-43; 97-224.

D. Ambaglio, Storia della storiografia greca, Bologna (Monduzzi)

Lecture notes and study materials (in PDF) produced by the teacher

Module B


M. Bettalli, A.L. D’Agata, A. Magnetto, Storia greca, Rome (Carocci) 2013


M. Corsaro, L.Gallo, Storia greca, Firenze (Le Monnier) 2010

Module C:

Lecture notes and study materials (in PDF) produced by the teacher

Readings from the following texts:

S.Bianchetti, Geografia storica del mondo antico, Monduzzi, Bologna 2007 (selected pages)

S. Magnani, Geografia storica del mondo antico, Il Mulino, Bologna 2003 (selected pages)

F. Cordano, L’esplorazione geografica, in I Greci. Una storia greca. 2. III. Trasformazioni, (S. Settis ed.), pp. 293-308

G.E.R. Lloyd, Immagini e modelli del mondo, in J. Brunschwig, G. E. R. Lloyd (ed.), Il sapere greco, I, Torino, pp. 26-47

F. Prontera, (a cura di), Geografia e geografi nel mondo antico. Guida storica e critica, Roma-Bari 1983 (selected pages)

Further readings and bibliographical references will be indicated and/or provided during the lessons



Lecture notes and study materials (in PDF) will be produced by the teacher and made available through institutional platforms or personally provided to students