Francesca LEOTTA

Assistant Professor of CONSTITUTIONAL LAW [IUS/08]

Francesca Leotta is Research Assistant Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Catania.

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Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

Since 2001, she has been collaborating with the Chairs of Constitutional Law, Comparative Constitutional Law and Constitutional Justice of the Faculty of Law of Catania (also at the decentralized office in Ragusa), participating in the research and teaching activities.

Since 2008, she has been teaching at some Degree Courses of the University of Catania and, more recently, at the School of Specialization in Archaeological Heritage and at some second level Masters at the University of Catania.

Since 2018, she has been a member of the Interdepartmental Study Center "Territorio, Sviluppo e Ambiente" of the University of Catania.

She participated in several research projects:

- “La politica della difesa tra Costituzione e prassi”, P.R.A. 2007 - University Research Project funded by the University of Catania;

- “Giurisdizione e giurisdizioni”, P.R.A. 2008 - University Research Project funded by the University of Catania;

- "Nuovi mezzi di comunicazione e pluralismo etico, linguistico e religioso", P.R.I.N. 2008 - National Interest Research Program (reference 2008BTYHML_002) - funded by MIUR - Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research;

- "La lingua come fattore di integrazione sociale e politica", P.R.I.N. 2010/2011 - National Interest Research Program (reference 20102WAKHZ_008) - funded by MIUR - Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research;

- “New Strategies for Democratic Development and Political Integration in Europe- NEWS-EU”, L.L.P. 2013 – Jean Monnet Programme, Key Activity 1 (reference: 542707-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-AJM-IC) - funded by the European Commission;

- “Ecologia e diritto”, F.I.R. 2018, University Research Project funded by the University of Catania;

- “TRansizione Energetica e nuovi modelli di Partecipazione E Sviluppo Locale” (TREPESL), University Research Project funded by the University of Catania (2020). 

-She participated, as a speaker, in many Conferences and Training Courses.

Conferences and Seminars organized by Universities

- 12 November 2005: Speaker (report on “I controlli sull’uso delle reti telematiche delle amministrazioni pubbliche”) at the Conference “Le nuove regole dell’azione amministrativa” (Catania, 11/12 November 2005), organized by the Law Faculty of the University of Catania, the “Centro nazionale Studi di Diritto del lavoro Domenico Napolitano” – Catania Unit, the Bar Association of Catania.

- 22 November 2008: Speaker (report on “Tutela della riservatezza, processo, prove: spunti di riflessione”) at the Conference “Il diritto delle prove” (Catania, 21/22 November 2008), organized by the Law Faculty of the University of Catania, the “Centro nazionale Studi di Diritto del lavoro Domenico Napolitano” – Catania Unit, the Bar Association of Catania.

- 22 April 2009: Speaker at the Seminar “Il principio di sussidiarietà: percorsi ricostruttivi”, Constitutional Law Course (Prof. A. Ciancio) of the Law Faculty of the University of Catania – (decentralized office in Ragusa).

- 15 May 2010: Speaker at the Seminar “La tutela europea della privacy”, “Jean Monnet” EU Constitutional Law Course (Prof. E. Castorina - A.Y. 2009/2010) of the Law Faculty of the University of Catania.

- 13 March 2011: Speaker at the Seminar “Giovani Studiosi” (report on "Exploring Asymmetrical Federalism), organized by the Law Faculty of the University of Catania.

- 3 May 2012: Speaker (report on “Le reti telematiche delle amministrazioni pubbliche e la tutela dei dati personali”) at the Italian-Spanish Seminar on “Nuove esigenze di tutela dei diritti della persona” (Bologna, 3/4 May 2012), organized by the Università of Bologna and the Real Colegio de España.

- 17 September 2012: Speaker (report on “Pluralismo linguistico e reti telematiche della p.a.”) at the National Conference “Nuovi mezzi di comunicazione e identità: omologazione o diversità?” (Napoli, 17/18 September 2012), organized by “Federico II” University of Napoli to disseminate the final results of the Project PRIN 2008 “Nuovi mezzi di comunicazione e identità: omologazione o diversità?”.


Training and Updating Courses organized by Public Institutions

- March/May 2006: Lecturer of the Updating Course in Constitutional Law “Il De Felice Giuffrida tra ricerca scientifica e strategia didattica: percorsi critici di aggiornamento”, organized by the “Istituto tecnico commerciale De Felice Giuffrida” of Catania for High School Law Teachers.

- 11, 12 e 14 December 2006: Lecturer of the Training Course on “Legge 241/90-Comunicazione”, organized by the Prefecture of Siracusa for its staff.

- 16 May 2008: Lecturer of the Training Course on “La Pubblica Amministrazione dalla parte del cittadino”, organized by “Azienda Ospedaliera di Rilievo Nazionale e di Alta Specializzazione Garibaldi, S.Luigi-S.Currò, Ascoli-Tomaselli” of Catania (reports on “Dalla legge 675/96 al d.lgs. 196/2003. Il diritto del cittadino alla protezione dei dati personali” and “Tutela della privacy e limiti”).

- May/October 2008: Speaker of 5 Seminars on Italian Constitution, organized by the "Comitato per la valorizzazione della Repubblica nel contesto dell'unità europea in occasione del 60° anniversario della Costituzione" (Prefecture of Siracusa), for High School Students (liceo classico, scientifico, industriale, commerciale) of Augusta, Siracusa, Pachino, Noto e Lentini.

- 4 November 2008: Lecturer of the Training Course on “Segretezza dei dati”, organized by the Prefecture of Siracusa for its staff.

- February/April 2010: Lecturer of the Training Course on the Italian Constitution (6 lessons) organized by the “4° Istituto comprensivo G. Verga” of Siracusa (“Progetto Legalità”) for Primary School Teachers.

- 29 November 2010: Lecturer of the Training Course on “La tutela giuridica dei dati personali con particolare riferimento al trattamento nei sistemi informatizzati”, organized by the Prefecture of Siracusa for its staff.


Conferences organized by Associations

- 16 May 2004: Speaker at the Round Table “Statuto siciliano: quali prospettive per la democrazia regionale?”, organized by the Association “Hybla Junior” of Avola (Siracusa).

- 29 January 2009: Speaker at the Conference “Lo Statuto siciliano alla luce del nuovo Federalismo”, organized by Lions Club “Siracusa Host”.

- 18 September 2009: Speaker (report on “La responsabilità della P.A. per trattamento di dati personali”) at the Conference “La responsabilità civile della P.A.” (Catania, 18/19 September 2009), organized by “Associazione Nazionale Avvocati Cristiani (A.N.A.C.)” – Unit of Catania.

- 26 June 2010: Speaker (report on “Profili di tutela della privacy nel processo amministrativo telematico”) at the Conference “Gli avvocati, i magistrati ed il processo amministrativo telematico”, organized by the Bar Association of Siracusa.

- 24 September 2010: Speaker (report on “Un'introduzione al Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio”) at the Conference “L’ordinamento dei beni culturali” (Catania, 24/25 September 2010), organized by “Associazione Nazionale Avvocati Cristiani (A.N.A.C.)” – Unit of Catania.

- 13 January 2011: Speaker at the Conference “La tutela del patrimonio culturale”, organized by F.I.D.A.P.A. “Riviera dei Ciclopi”.

- 24 November 2017: Speaker (report on “Spunti di riflessione sulla responsabilità medico-sanitaria alla luce della L. 8 marzo 2017, n. 24”) at the Conference “La nuova responsabilità civile e penale del medico e della struttura sanitaria dopo la «Legge Gelli»”, organized at the "Tribunale di Siracusa" by the Bar Association of Siracusa and by the "Associazione Italiana Giovani Avvocati" (A.I.G.A.) of Siracusa.

- 9 May 2019: Speaker (report on "Il turismo sostenibile nell'ordinamento siciliano") at the Conference "Turismo sostenibile: tra moda ed opportunità", organized by Rotary Club Catania Etna Centenario.



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