Academic Year 2021/2022 - 2° Year - Curriculum Educatore nei servizi per l'infanzia
Teaching Staff: Chiara MILITELLO
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course in Education and Philosophy in the Ancient World aims to provide students with knowledge, skills and competences related to the fundamental aspects of ancient philosophical reflection, with particular attention to the theme of education (paideia).

The expected learning objectives, declined according to the Dublin Descriptors, are the following:

Knowledge and ability to understand (DD1):

- To know theories and models proper to ancient philosophy in order to interpret educational and training events.

Applied knowledge and understanding (DD2):

- Relate the theoretical and methodological contents learned to the interpretation of ancient philosophical-educational texts.

Autonomy of judgement (DD3):

- Evaluate the relevance of the ancient theories studied to modern educational problems.

Communication skills (DD4):

- To be able to communicate and share analysis of events from knowledge of the history of one's professional field.

Learning skills (DD5):

- To be able to define one's own personal development plan, monitoring one's actions.

- To be able to promote self-assessment actions aimed at one's own professional development.

Course Structure

Class attendance is strongly recommended, because the exposition of ancient philosophical and educational theories and the explanation of classical texts by the professor greatly facilitates the acquisition of the contents by the students.

Detailed Course Content

Plato: the proper way to write; the nature of Eros and Beauty; forms of madness. Madness in antiquity. Madness as a disease. Madness as a means to expand the personality. The oracle of Delphi. Ecstatic cults. Visionary experiences. The "good use" of madness. Paranormal phenomena. Divination.

Textbook Information

1. Platone, Fedro (Testi a fronte), introduzione, traduzione, note e apparati di Giovanni Reale, Bompiani 2000, 164 pp.

2. Giulio Guidorizzi, Ai confini dell'anima. I Greci e la follia (Scienze e idee 198), Raffaello Cartina 2010, 226 pp.

3. Eric R. Dodds, Parapsicologia nel mondo antico, Laterza 1991, 126 pp.