Academic Year 2019/2020 - 3° Year - Curriculum Educatore sociale di comunita'Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: M-PED/02 - HISTORY OF EDUCATION
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
The course aims to present the theoretical and methodological foundations of comparative education. The course will focus on an analysis of the diverse comparative methods and the main findings of a comparative research, with particular reference to the historical field of research and more distinctly to the anthropological and ethnological dimensions which are significant for the elaboration of a pedagogical discourse. The pedagogical importance of comparative education becomes more significant today, when pedagogy wishes to be first and foremost a science of integration and inclusion.
Course Structure
Detailed Course Content
Similarities and differences in educational systems and practices
The effectiveness of the comparison within well-defined historical processes
The impoverishment of all educational practises in the absence of an educational comparative approach which may affect the potential success of the adopted educational and pedagogical practices across the various countries
Textbook Information
C.Callegari ( a cura di), L’educazione comparata tra storia ed etnografia, Anicia, Roma, 2016; (pp160).
C. Cappa (a cura di), Sistemi scolastici d'Europa, Anicia, Roma, 2017 (pp.360).