Academic Year 2017/2018 - 3° Year - Curriculum Unico
Teaching Staff: Antonia Marina Carla CRISCENTI
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: M-PED/02 - HISTORY OF EDUCATION
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The aim of the course is to introduce the student to the reading of the history of school and education through the use of methodological and critical lenses of the annalistic historiographic tradition (Nouvelle histoire), whose innovative element was the movement Attention from the study of the history of the "Events" (Histoire Événementielle) to that of the history of the structures. Thus, the new paradigm epistemological for historical science allows a wide and destructured vision of historical research in education, which is intent of the course analyze.

Detailed Course Content

The subject of this history of education will be, therefore, beyond school education (since it manifests itself in human history), also the warlike internship, the artisan apprenticeship and any other form of education. It concerns Italy, but it cannot ignore the Greek premise in that part of its territory which had the name of Magna Grecia, and it cannot fail to trace back to those masters of ancient Greece who were Egypt and Mesopotamia and then to the barbarians who intervened on its territory , and other influences and presences such as the French Revolution. The theme of the Revolution and the political and cultural debate opened in those years, returns to arrange the student to the critical reading of the birth of the public School in France (1793).

Textbook Information

1. A. Criscenti (a cura di), Nuovi orientamenti di storiografia contemporanea e implicanze nella ricerca storico-educativa, Fondazione Vito Fazio Allmayer, Palermo 2016 .

2. A.Criscenti , Gli idéologues. Il dibattito Sulla pubblica istruzione nella Francia rivoluzionaria, Gangemi, Roma 1990.