Academic Year 2017/2018 - 3° Year - Curriculum UnicoCredit Value: 10
Taught classes: 60 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
The course aims to provide theoretical knowledge and methodological skills useful for designing, conducting and evaluating an empirical research in the educational field.
Detailed Course Content
The course will first examine the origins and development of empirical research in education. Particular reference will be made to the theoretical frameworks underlying educational experimentation and the different approaches and research tools.
In particular, the following topics will be analyzed in the lessons:
1. Origins and developments of empirical research in education
2. The planning of research in the educational field: problems, theoretical framework of reference, operationalization of concepts and formulation of hypotheses, choice, construction and validation of detection tools, data analysis and hypothesis control, drafting of research report.
Textbook Information
- P. Lucisano, A. Salerni, Metodologia della ricerca in educazione e formazione, Carocci, Roma, 2003.
- J. Dewey, Unity of science as social problem, in Neurath O., Carnap R., Morris C. (a cura di), Fondations of the unity of science. Toward an international encyclopedia of Unified science, University of Chicago Press, Chicago-London, 1939, trad. it. in Lucisano P., L’unità della scienza come problema sociale, “Cadmo”, n. 22, pp. 30-35 download.
- J. Dewey, Esperienza e educazione, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 2014