Academic Year 2018/2019 - 3° Year - Curriculum Educatore sociale e di comunità
Teaching Staff: Francesco PATERNITI
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: IUS/08 - CONSTITUTIONAL LAW
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

1. Knowledge and understanding: the course will pay attention to the issue of inviolable human rights and, specifically, to the issues related to social formations of constitutional importance. The student must acquire adequate knowledge to understand the issues related to rights and freedoms, with particular reference to the discipline that the Constitutional Text reserves to social groups.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: the student must be able to examine the various constituent elements of social formations having constitutional significance, also relating their respective disciplines.
3. Making judgments: the student must demonstrate the ability to analyze the legal regime applicable to the various social groups, also assessing the compliance of a regulation with respect to the constitutional provisions for the protection of fundamental rights.
4. Communication skills: the student, using an adequate legal terminology, must demonstrate that he is able to dwell on the analysis of the qualifying and constitutive elements of a social formation. If necessary, he must be able to clearly communicate the object of a legal text, summarize the fundamental points and grasp the possible implications.
5. Learning skills: the student must have acquired learning skills that can face independently any legal problems with which he will be called to confront.

Course Structure

The course will take place on the basis of lectures and will end with an oral exam.

Detailed Course Content

The course of lessons will pay attention to the issue of inviolable human rights, both in the single sphere and in the collective sphere, in order to allow the student to acquire greater sensitivity on social issues of great importance. The lessons will focus on the constituent and essential elements of the state, then taking into consideration the legal rules through which the political choices are expressed within the legal system. On the basis of these premises, the rights and freedoms will then be treated, with particular reference to the discipline that the Constitutional Text reserves to social formations.

Textbook Information


I. Nicotra, Diritto Pubblico e Costituzionale, 4ª edizione, Giappichelli, 2018, limited to the following parts:

· Parte Prima, Cap. I, Sez. 1 – “Il Diritto Pubblico, una realtà in continuo divenire”

· Parte Prima, Cap. I, Sez. 2 – “Lo Stato e i suoi elementi costitutivi”

· Parte Prima, Cap. II – “Le forme di Stato”

· Parte Prima, Cap. III, Sez. 1 – “Principi supremi dell’ordinamento costituzionale italiano”

· Parte Prima, Cap. III, Sez. 2 – “Diritti e libertà”

· Parte Prima, Cap. III, Sez. 3 – “Diritti e formazioni sociali”

· Parte Prima, Cap. III, Sez. 4 – “I doveri costituzionali”

· Parte Terza, Cap. I, Sez. 1 – “Le fonti in generale”

· Parte Terza, Cap. I, Sez. 2 – “Interpretazione del diritto e risoluzione dei conflitti tra fonti”

· Parte Terza, Cap. I, Sez. 3 – “Le fonti statali”

· Parte Terza, Cap. I, Sez. 4 – “Le fonti extrastatali”

· Parte Terza, Cap. I, Sez. 3 – “Le fonti dell’Unione europea”


F. Clementi, L. Cuocolo, F. Rosa, G.E. Vigevani, La Costituzione italiana. Commento articolo per articolo, Vol. I, Il Mulino, 2018, limited to the following parts:

Principi fondamentali

(artt. 1-12) – pp. 13-90;

Parte prima – Titolo primo

(artt. 13-21) – pp. 95-153;

(artt. 29-34) – pp. 197-231;

(artt. 52-54) – pp. 332-349.


During the study it is necessary the constant consultation of the normative texts recalled both in the lesson and in the manual. For this purpose, the student can use the following book :

AA.VV., Leggi fondamentali del diritto pubblico e costituzionale, 42ª edizione, Giuffré, 2018