Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ZAIRA SALAFIA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The French language course is aimed at achieving and/or strengthening the communicative functions and the corresponding morpho-syntactic structures suitable for achieving know-how, in terms of oral and written skills, corresponding to a B1 exit level of the Framework. European Common for Foreign Languages.

The training objectives, broken down according to the Dublin Descriptors, are the following:

Applied knowledge and understanding (DD2) –

- Connect the methodological contents learned to the interpretation of sectoral texts.

Making judgments (DD3) –

- know how to interpret and formulate the training request

Communication skills (DD4) –

- Knowing how to communicate projects and the meaning of one's actions.

- Know how to comment, dialogue, negotiate and argue.

- Know how to write written texts of various kinds.

Learning ability (DD5) –

Know how to identify your own training needs

Course Structure

The proposed teaching methods will mainly be those of participatory lessons and cooperative activities to stimulate motivation, discussion and active participation; the frontal lessons will be limited to the phases of systematization and metalinguistic reflection.

Required Prerequisites

Non sono previsti prerequisiti, l'accesso al corso è aperto anche ai principianti.


Attendance of Lessons

Attendance at the course and lecture classes is highly recommended, considering the communicative approach of teaching.

Detailed Course Content

The course includes activities on communicative functions, analysis of authentic or didactic documents, linguistic reflection on morpho-syntactic structures, relating to the reference level. The in-depth course involves the analysis and reflection on some documents that constitute current topics of debate on language and school in France: Les langues régionales.

Textbook Information

General part:
1.- L.Parodi, M.Vallacco, Grammathèque contrastive grammar for Italians + Grammathèque exercices, Cideb, Turin, 2014, pp.258
Further information:
- Teaching material that will be uploaded by the teacher on Studium during the lessons.
Anyone who does not attend lessons is required to ask the teacher for information on the program carried out and any additional bibliographic material.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Raconter un événement au passé. Le passé composé :formation, choix de l’auxiliaire, accord.
2Situer dans le temps :l’imparfait: formation et emploi. Contraste avec le passé composé
3Remplacer :les pronoms complément simples et doubles. 
4Présenter un projet : Le futur.
5Exprimer des souhaits. Le conditionnel.
6 Exprimer l'hypothèse.
7Dossiers di lettorato

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam includes a written test and an oral test. The two tests take place on the same day, except in the case where, exceptionally, there is an excessive number of booked participants. A positive outcome of the written test determines access to the oral exam. The written test includes: written comprehension; grammatical transformation and completion exercises; written production. The oral exam involves the assessment of the linguistic skills acquired and the presentation of the texts presented in class and lectures respectively.
The evaluation criteria that are followed for the exam are set out:
- Communication ability
- Knowledge of the topics covered
- Ability to organize and reprocess knowledge
- Linguistic and phonetic correctness
- Lexical adequacy
The final mark for the entire course (7 CFU) will derive from the average of the marks obtained in the three parts (written test, lecturer interview, interview with the teacher in charge of the course).
Verification of learning can also be carried out electronically, should conditions require it

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

A model of the written test is available on Studium in the reader folder.

Frequently asked questions of the oral exam regarding the general course: :parlez de votre formation et de votre expérience?;Présentez une rencontre qui vous a frappé particuliérement? Présentez le dernier film que vous avez vu, ou le dernier livre que vous avez lu; Parlez de vos projets. Décrivez l'image.

Frequently asked questions about the in-depth course: Quelle est la valeur d’une langue régionale? Quelles sont les différentes opinions face à l’enseignement des langues régionales ?   Frequently asked reader questions: present the agreed articles in the program.
A model of the written test is available on Studium in the reader folder.