Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: GABRIELLA D'APRILE

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to promote the development of knowledge, skills, and abilities in the field of Intercultural Pedagogy as a practical-planning science in order to respond to the challenges of contemporary society.

The training objectives are as follows: to understand theories and models of pedagogical knowledge in order to interpret educational and training events in multicultural and heterogeneous contexts; to acquire knowledge, skills, and intercultural competencies to operate in educational contexts; to understand theories for interpreting relational dynamics and managing individual and collective relationships in educational contexts; to understand how to activate intercultural processes; 

Course Structure

The course will be delivered through a combination of active learning strategies in addition to the traditional teaching methods. These may include group discussions, student pair work, collaborative activities, debate and other peer learning and assessment activities.

Required Prerequisites

A general understanding of pedagogy is required.

Detailed Course Content

Multiculturalism, interculturalism, educational processes; epistemic figures and evolutionary lines of Intercultural Pedagogy; the alphabets of interculturality; ethics of understanding and pedagogy of hospitality; culture, dialogue, pluralism in multicultural societies; educational approaches and lines of action for educational planning from an intercultural perspective; good practices of intercultural education in the context of educational contexts for children; intercultural orientations at school

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The grade expressed in 30/30 will be used to assess learning, taking into account knowledge related to the proposed contents, level of in-depth study, appropriateness of technical-specialist language, clarity and efficacy of exposition, and critical-argumentative capacity. During the lessons, formative assessment tests may be scheduled. Furthermore, it should be noted that the student can only take the exam after attending the workshop and taking the relative assessment test.  The workshop is an essential component of the course. The integrated course's final grade is unique and is recorded by lecturers from the teaching commission at the same time as the exam.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Multiculturalism, interculturalism, transculturalism; globalization, migration flows, and educational emergencies; principles and foundations of intercultural pedagogy; intercultural competencies; key words of intercultural pedagogy; intercultural orientations at school