Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: FRANCESCO PATERNITI

Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and understanding: the course of lessons will pay attention to the issue of inviolable human rights and, specifically, to issues relating to social formations of constitutional importance. From this perspective, the student will have to acquire adequate knowledge to understand and deal with issues related to rights and freedoms, with particular reference to the discipline that the Constitutional Text reserves for social formations. Specific attention will also be dedicated to the topic of the so-called "third sector", with particular reference to the statute of the third sector, the bodies operating there and the relationships between them and the public administration.

Applying knowledge and understanding: the student must be able to examine the various constituent elements of social formations with constitutional relevance, also relating the respective disciplines. Likewise, the student must demonstrate adequate knowledge of the so-called third sector.

Making judgements: the student will have to demonstrate the ability to analyze the legal regime applicable to the various social formations, also evaluating the compliance of legislation with the constitutional provisions protecting fundamental rights. The analysis must further concern the so-called third sector.

Communication skills: the student, using adequate legal terminology, must demonstrate that he is able to focus on the analysis of the qualifying and constitutive elements of a social formation as well as systematically frame the key elements of the so-called third sector. If necessary, he must be able to clearly communicate the object of a legal text, summarize its fundamental points and grasp any implications.

Learning skills: the student must have acquired learning skills such as to be able to independently deal with any legal problems with which he will be called upon to deal.

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of the main current issues, meaning the institutional, political and social events in relation to which law acts as a tool capable of offering rules and solutions.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance, although not mandatory, is strongly recommended for a greater understanding of the topics addressed.


Non-attending working students can contact the teacher directly for clarifications on the path. For Erasmus students there is the possibility of agreeing the exam program after an interview with the teacher.

Detailed Course Content

The course will pay attention to the issue of inviolable human rights, both in the individual and in the collective sphere, in order to allow the student to acquire greater sensitivity on social issues of great importance. The lessons, in particular, will focus on:

on the constitutive and essential elements of the State;

on the concept and typologies of the form of state;

on the legal rules through which political choices are expressed within the legal system;

on the constitutional discipline relating to rights and freedoms;

on the discipline that the Constitutional Text reserves for social formations;

on the legal status of the Third Sector;

on third sector entities;

on the relationships between the Third Sector and the PA.

Textbook Information



1.       F. Giuffré, I.A. Nicotra, F. Paterniti, Diritto Pubblico e Costituzionale, 6ª edizione, Giappichelli, 2022, limitatamente alle seguenti parti:

· Parte Prima, Cap. I, Sez. 1 – “Il Diritto Pubblico, una realtà in continuo divenire”;

· Parte Prima, Cap. I, Sez. 2 – “Lo Stato e i suoi elementi costitutivi”;

· Parte Prima, Cap. II – “Le forme di Stato”;

· Parte Prima, Cap. III, Sez. 1 – “Principi supremi dell’ordinamento costituzionale italiano”;

· Parte Prima, Cap. III, Sez. 2 – “Diritti e libertà”;

· Parte Prima, Cap. III, Sez. 3 – “Diritti e formazioni sociali”;

· Parte Prima, Cap. III, Sez. 4 – “I doveri costituzionali”;

· Parte Terza, Cap. I, Sez. 1 – “Le fonti in generale”;

· Parte Terza, Cap. I, Sez. 2 – “Interpretazione del diritto e risoluzione dei conflitti tra fonti”;

· Parte Terza, Cap. I, Sez. 3 – “Le fonti statali”;

· Parte Terza, Cap. I, Sez. 4 – “Le fonti extrastatali”;

· Parte Terza, Cap. I, Sez. 3 – “Le fonti dell’Unione europea”.


2.       P. Consorti, L. Gori, E. Rossi, Diritto del terzo settore, 2ª edizione, Il Mulino, 2021, limitatamente alle seguenti parti:

·         I. Una breve storia del Terzo settore.

·         II. Lo statuto costituzionale del Terzo settore.

·         III. Terzo settore e volontariato: profili generali.

·         IV. I soggetti del Terzo settore.

·         VI. I rapporti fra Terzo settore e pubblica amministrazione.

·         VII. Il sistema di sostegno e promozione degli enti del Terzo settore.

·         X. Profili di diritto regionale del Terzo settore.




Per un eventuale approfondimento delle tematiche trattate è possibile consultare:


F. Clementi, L. Cuocolo, F. Rosa, G.E. Vigevani, La Costituzione italiana. Commento articolo per articolo, Vol. I, Il Mulino, 2018, limitatamente alle seguenti parti:

Principi fondamentali

(artt. 1-12) – pp. 13-90;

Parte prima – Titolo primo

(artt. 13-21) – pp. 95-153;

(artt. 29-34) – pp. 197-231;

(artt. 52-54) – pp. 332-349.




Durante lo studio è necessaria la costante consultazione dei testi normativi richiamati tanto a lezione quanto nel manuale. A tal fine, è possibile utilizzare la seguente raccolta di leggi:

1.       AA.VV., Leggi fondamentali del diritto pubblico e costituzionale, 45ª edizione, Giuffré, 2021

2.       Codice del Terzo settore

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The final exam will take place orally

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

The exam will take place on the basis of a reasoned and analytical discussion, during which the student will have to demonstrate the ability to argue the proposed legal theses, highlighting the connections between the various legal institutions involved. for this reason, each topic selected during the exam is nothing more than the initial input of a broader discussion. purely by way of example, the discussion could start from one of the following questions:


What are the constituent elements of the State?


What is the difference between people and population?


What relationship is there between the form of state and the protection of individual rights?


What role does the legislator have in the protection of rights and in the regulation of social formations?


What protection regime is provided for freedom of association?


What is the constitutional regulation on family matters?


What is the difference between marriage, civil union and de facto cohabitation?


What is the so-called Third sector?


What are the elements characterizing the legal status of the Third Sector?


What relationships exist between the Third Sector and Public Administration?