Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Roberta PIAZZA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The Pedagogy course is aimed at getting students to acquire knowledge on the topics of education and training both from the theoretical point of view and in reference to the methodological aspects of the discipline.
The educational objectives are as follows:
to define and identify the theoretical and methodological foundations of pedagogical knowledge
to know and be able to use the basic vocabulary of pedagogy
to acquire analysis skills of different training system (formal, non-formal, informal and territorial) and of different educational needs (in relation to different age groups)
to develop skills in the design and organization of educational and training activities, especially in relation to community services
to acquire basic elements for scientific research in different educational contexts

Course Structure

The course is organised into lectures (about 40% of classroom hours) and classroom work (60%).  Students will be asked to re-elaborate the contents of the lessons, work in small groups, present the work done in the classroom at home.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Required Prerequisites

Basic knowledge of contemporary history, history of Italian and European culture, current affairs is required.

Basic use of Word and Power Point is required to carry out the assigned work.

Knowledge of English is required for reading some simple texts.

Attendance of Lessons

Class attendance is not compulsory, but strongly recommended. Lessons are characterised by the active participation of students. Their attendance enables them to progressively acquire mastery of the contents, to discuss topics and problems with colleagues and the lecturer, and to constantly check their learning levels.

During the classroom activities, students will have the opportunity to actively work on the learning contents of the course. Classroom lectures will be alternated with moments of group and individual work; moments of guided study; moments of presentation of material that the students themselves will have produced (in the classroom or outside it). These activities will be considered as formative assessment tests, aimed at enabling students to self-assess their level of mastery of the contents and tools for analysing the discipline.

Two in itinere tests are planned, to be held in November and January (the timetable will be defined in October).

Non-attending students may contact the lecturer directly for clarification of the course. For Erasmus students, it is possible to agree on the examination programme after an interview.

Detailed Course Content

The epistemological dimension of the pedagogy
The relationship of the pedagogy with other social sciences
Places and times for learning
Educational work in and within the communities

Textbook Information

Frabboni, F., Pinto Minerva F., Introduzione alla pedagogia generale, Laterza, 2015, pp. 5-20; 29-62; 185-278.

Maccario D., La didattica nei contesti socioculturali e assistenziali, Carocci Faber, 2009, pp. 43-155.

 Bastianoni P., Baiamonte M., Il progetto educativo nelle comunità per minori, Erickson, 2021, pp. 13-70; 87-102.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Sezione seconda: Fondamenti teorici della pedagogia
2L'identità della pedagogia Introduzione alla Pedagogia generale, I,1, pp. 5-20
3Statuto teorico della pedagogiaIntroduzione alla Pedagogia generale, I,2, pp. 29-62
4Sezione prima: Tempi e lughi dell'educazione
5I tempi e i luoghi della formazione. Il sistema formativoIntroduzione alla Pedagogia generale, III,1, pp. 185-194
6Il sistema formativo integratoIntroduzione alla Pedagogia generale, III, 2, pp. 195-206
7Le agenzie educativeIntroduzione alla Pedagogia generale, III,3, pp. 207-240
8Le stagioni dell'educazioneIntroduzione alla Pedagogia generale, III, 4, pp. 241-279
9Sezione Terza: Educazione di comunità
10Sezione quarta: Contesti specifici di lavoro in comunità
11L'educatore in stradaMaccario D., La didattica nei contesti socioculturali e assistenziali, pp. 43-62
12Educators  in youth centresMaccario D., La didattica nei contesti socioculturali e assistenziali, pp. 63-84
13L’educatore e i minori stranieri non accompagnati Maccario D., La didattica nei contesti socioculturali e assistenziali, pp. 85-99
14L’educatore e le situazioni di sospetto maltrattamento e abuso Maccario D., La didattica nei contesti socioculturali e assistenziali, pp. 101-122
15L’educatore e la famiglia del disabile intellettivo adultoMaccario D., La didattica nei contesti socioculturali e assistenziali, pp. 123-138
16Per comprendere l’intervento degli educatori di professione Maccario D., La didattica nei contesti socioculturali e assistenziali, pp. 139-155
17What is the community for minorsP. Bastianoni, M. Baiamonte, Il progetto educativo nelle comunità per minori, pp. 13-26
18Educational objectives in the youth communityP. Bastianoni, M. Baiamonte, Il progetto educativo nelle comunità per minori, pp. 27-44
19The role of the educator in the youth communityP. Bastianoni, M. Baiamonte, Il progetto educativo nelle comunità per minori, pp. 45-56
20The evaluation of educational activities for youthsP. Bastianoni, M. Baiamonte, Il progetto educativo nelle comunità per minori, pp. 57-70
21Educational planning in communities for young adultsP. Bastianoni, M. Baiamonte, Il progetto educativo nelle comunità per minori, pp. 87-102

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The assessment consists of passing three tests described below. The three tests are compulsory.

a) Individual written test with open and closed questions on the identity of pedagogy. 

b) Individual written test on the places and times of education

c) Individual oral examination on educational work with the community.

Test a) is held in November, on a date communicated to students in class and on TEAMS.

Test b) is held in January, on a date communicated to students in class and on TEAMS.

Those who fail test a) may take test b), but must also take test a) together with test b). In order to take the oral test, the student must have passed test a) and b). 

Non-attending working students may contact the lecturer directly for clarification of the course. For Erasmus students, it is possible to agree on the examination programme following an interview.

Grading criteria: see the Rubrics for grading tests in the Italian programme.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

For each topic covered in the classroom, students will be provided with stimulus questions, which are useful for organising their study work.

All questions can be found on the Microsoft Teams platform in the teaching folder (Proofs).

Some examples taken from Frabboni, Part 3:

Why is it important to know the city for those who want to deal with education?

What is meant by 'city as a large decentralised classroom'?

What is meant by horizontal and vertical discontinuity/separation in schools?

What are the risks of a cultural system on individual demand?

What is meant by mass schooling?

What are the problems that limit the quality of school education?

Why does Frabboni consider the non-formal system important?

What are the causes of the disintegration of the education system?

What characteristics should the education system have in order to be characterised by the interconnection-integration of the places of education?

The role of the school

The role of the non-formal system

What are the main educational problems the school suffers from?

In a vision of a reformed school, what are the aims of the education system?

What are the objectives related to the social participation of educational institutions?

Some examples from Maccario:

What are the characteristics of community education?

What is the role of the community educator?

Some examples from Bastianoni and Baiamonte:

Who are the minors entering the community?

The characteristics of community planning