Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: GIAMBATTISTA BUFALINO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to promote the development of knowledge, skills, and abilities in the field of Intercultural Pedagogy as a practical-planning science in order to respond to the challenges of contemporary society. The training objectives are as follows: to understand theories and models of pedagogical knowledge in order to interpret educational and training events in multicultural and heterogeneous contexts; to acquire knowledge, skills, and intercultural competencies to operate in educational contexts; to understand theories for interpreting relational dynamics and managing individual and collective relationships in educational contexts; to understand how to activate intercultural processes

Course Structure

Active learning modes will be prioritized in teaching activities, with face-to-face lectures alternated with collaborative group activities, collective discussions and comparisons, exercises, and formative assessment activities.

Required Prerequisites

A general understanding of pedagogy is required.

Detailed Course Content

Multiculturalism, interculturalism, educational processes; authors and evolutionary lines of Intercultural Pedagogy; the figure of the foreigner: ethics of understanding and pedagogy of hospitality; culture, dialogue, and pluralism in multicultural societies; Educational approaches and lines of action for educational planning from an intercultural perspective; key words and basic concepts of intercultural pedagogy good intercultural education practices in the context of educational contexts for children

Textbook Information

  • A. Portera (2022). Educazione e pedagogia interculturale. Bologna: Il Mulino
  • Fiorucci M., Pinto Minerva F., Portera A. (2017) (a cura di). Gli Alfabeti dell’interculturale. Pisa: Edizioni ETS. Solo i saggi dei seguenti autori: Portera Agostino, Tomarchio Maria, D’Aprile Gabriella, Dusi Paola,  Silva  Clara, D’Ignazi Paola ,  Riccardi Veronica, Burgio Giuseppe, Macinai Emiliano, Zannoni Federico,  Zizioli Elena, Santerini Milena, Agostinetto Luca, Catarci Marco,  Fiorucci Massimiliano, 
  • Ministero dell'Istruzione (2022). Orientamenti interculturali. Idee e proposte per l’integrazione di alunni e alunne provenienti da contesti migratori, a cura dell’Osservatorio nazionale per l’integrazione degli alunni stranieri e l’educazione interculturale 


Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral examination. There may be ongoing formative assessment tests in class.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Multiculturalism, interculturalism, transculturalism; Globalisation, migration flows and educational emergencies; the figure of the foreigner; the identity-otherness dialectic nexus; Principles and foundations of intercultural pedagogy; intercultural competences; keywords of intercultural pedagogy; intercultural orientations at school