Academic Year 2016/2017 - 2° Year - Curriculum Unico
Teaching Staff: Rosa Loredana CARDULLO
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course of Education and training in the greek world aims to accompany the student to discover the ancient Greek civilization, the cradle of Western European culture, master of philosophy and human sciences, from education to politics, psychology, rhetoric, the dialectic to poetry, from history to medicine and geography. Specifically, the course makes up for shortcomings present in the curriculum of the three-year course in science education, in which, in fact, there are no teachings that have their roots in the Greek origins of the history of education and training of 'man. As well Hegel said, the Greeks invented the '' man "and they did it through the concept of paideia, a term that refers to the education of pais (child), as well as the global formation of the individual, helping to shape the concept modern humanism. Therefore, know and understand the origins of our history, human and cultural, is certainly functional to a better enjoyment of the professed disciplines over.

The course of Education and Training in the greek world starts from the archaic era, when the culture was dominated by Homer, the educator of Hellas, and was transmitted orally, through bards and rhapsodies; hero worship and the chivalric values ​​formed its table of values. Through a constant comparison between the main Greek cities - particularly between Athens and Sparta - the student will learn the first elements of Greek history of education, based in principle on gymnastics and music, and declined in several cities in profoundly different ways although similar . He will learn that, in the classical age, education had "dual" character and was realized in the so-called pederastic relationship; he will learn that childhood has never enjoyed the attention of the Greeks and that the birth of the first educational institutions can be placed in the Hellenistic period. In the absence of an kind of education designed for children, classical Greece instead presents a variety of philosophical schools, designed by their founders for an audience of affluent adults already trained and eager to increase their culture; the course will enable students to approach the thought of the major philosophers and educator of Greek antiquity, particularly that of Socrates and Plato. A rundown on how to follow instruction in the Hellenistic schools, as well as the main actors of the educational process (pedotribes, grammatistes, grammarian, teacher ...) will conclude the general part of the course. The monographic part of the study will concern the history of the status of women in ancient Greece.

Detailed Course Content

The concept of paideia. The chivalrous morality. The "Greek Middle Ages". Homer, educator of Greece. The education in Sparta in classical times. Education in Athens in classical times. The pederastic education. Gymnastics and music, according to the Greek education. The philosophical schools. The Sophists, the first professors. Plato's educational project. Philosophy and rhetoric in comparison. The birth of the school in the Hellenistic period: structure, educational agents and educational content. The status of women in the ancient greek world: legal, literary and philosophical sources.

Textbook Information

A) Handbook:

1. H.I. Marrou, Storia dell’educazione nell’antichità, ed. Studium, Roma 2008, le pp. 11-304 (the book, out of print, can be found at the library of Department at following call: Stor. Rom. XIII F 13; but a photocopy is available at a copy shop that will be indicated later)

B) monographic essays:
2. - G. Cambiano, Diventare uomo, in L’uomo greco. A cura di J.-P. Vernant, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1997, pp. 87-119 (the photocopies of the chapter can be bought at a copy shop near the Department, that will be indicated later)
3. E. Cantarella, L’ambiguo malanno. La donna nell’antichità greca e romana, Feltrinelli, Milano 2013, fino a p. 146.