Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ROSSELLA FALANGA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to introduce and promote the learning of basic theories in educational and developmental psychology, particular reference to early childhood was reserved; to development and education processes; to relational models in the family and in educational services; models, techniques and measures for observing child behavior.

The expected learning outcomes are reported on light of the Dublin indicators:


A. Knowledge and understanding - knowledge and ability to understand the contents of educational and developmental psychology and insights relating to the development of language, creativity and play in developmental age;

B. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding - ability to apply one's knowledge to situations and contexts relating to early childhood education and development; be able to report concrete examples, grasp the logical continuum both between the different phases of development and between the different aspects that characterize human development (cognitive, emotional, relational, social, linguistic);

C. Making judgments - identifying and adequately interpreting scientific research data, critically comparing the different positions that explain development in developmental age;

D. Communication skills - knowing and using the specific terminology of Educational and Developmental Psychology to adequately expose knowledge and allow discussion with specialist and non-specialist interlocutors;

E. Learning skills - organizing knowledge and referring it to operational-project contexts.

Course Structure

Active learning methods will be promoted: 

- collaborative and group activities, also carried out with by means of digital media  will supported frontal lesson; 

- collective discussions and debates will be encouraged; 

- exercises will be proposed, also in reference to the observation of child behavior by means of the analysis of video recordings.

Required Prerequisites

No specific prerequisites are required.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance at lessons is not mandatory, however it is strongly recommended due to the peculiar teaching methods and methodologies with which the teaching is delivered, which require active participation of the student.

Detailed Course Content

The course aims to introduce and promote the learning of basic theories in educational and developmental psychology, particular reference to early childhood was reserved; to development and education processes; to relational models in the family and in educational services; models, techniques and measures for observing child behavior.

In detail, the topics covered will be the following:

1) The perceptual, mnemic, cognitive and metacognitive, emotional, social, linguistic-communicative and moral development in the individual. Especially in relation to childhood aged between zero to three years old.

2) The creative process in theoretical perspectives and in the educational-social implications, in reference to the developmental age.

3) The development of communication and language in early childhood.

4) Play in developmental age.

5) Observation of child behavior.

Textbook Information

1. B    1. Berti A.E., Bombi A.S. Corso di psicologia dello sviluppo, quarta edizione, Il Mulino di psicologia dello sviluppo, quarta edizione, Il Mulino. (416 pp.)

         2. Falanga, R., Sagone, E., De Caroli, M. E., & Maugeri, M.R. (2020). Enhance creativity and creative self-efficacy. An action research with Italian children. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences. 7(3), pp 75–82. Available from: (Articolo scaricabile da Studium).

          3. Marinella Majorano, Beatrice Bertelli, Rachele Ferrari, Lo sviluppo del linguaggio nella prima infanzia, Carocci Editore 2023 (188 pp.) 

          4. Baumgartner E., Il gioco dei bambini (Nuova edizione), Carocci, 2010 (128 pp.) 

          5. Baumgartner E., L'osservazione del comportamento infantile. Teorie e strumenti, Carocci, Roma, 2a Edizione, 2017. (200 pp.)

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The final exam will be carried out in oral form.

There are no ongoing tests planned.

The following elements will be taken into consideration:

  • relevance of the answers to the questions asked;
  • adequacy of the knowledge learned and quality of the contents exposed;
  • thematic breadth and organic nature of the treatment;
  • capability to connect with other topics covered by the program;
  • ability to report examples;
  • ability to identify and interpret relevant data in examples of research in Educational and Developmental Psychology;
  • conscious and adequate use of the specific terminology of educational and developmental psychology;
  • ability to organize knowledge and relate it to operational-project contexts.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Cognitive development in Piaget's perspective.

Emotional development in early childhood.

Language development.

The development of creativity in childhood.

The evolution of symbolic play.

The main techniques for observing child behavior.