Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: GIAMBATTISTA BUFALINO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course provides students with fundamental pedagogical knowledge and skills by providing a general introduction to the issues that characterize contemporary pedagogical debates, as well as cultural reference backgrounds, conceptual frameworks, models, and approaches. The following are the expected learning objectives, as defined by the Dublin Descriptors:

Comprehension and knowledge: 

- to gain knowledge of the discipline's theoretical and epistemological foundations in order to understand the identity of general pedagogy and its research areas, as well as to acquire a specific vocabulary to refer to educational issues

 Knowledge and applied comprehension skills 

- Promoting reflections, developing analytical skills in various educational contexts, and organizing operational strategies related to educational issues; ability to understand issues inherent in pedagogical phenomena in order to develop an aptitude for problematisation and personal reflection in educational practices and processes;

Judgment autonomy (DD3) and critical spirit: 

Acquire the ability to interpret and critically read educational, instructional, and training processes, as well as their connections to current issues/problems such as citizenship education, democracy, educational relations, educational leadership processes, and sustainability issues.

Communication skills (DD4):

acquiring communication skills in order to share and socialise knowledge of one's professional field

Course Structure

Teaching activities will favor active learning modes, alternating between lectures and collaborative group activities, collective discussions and comparisons, exercises, and formative assessment activities.

Required Prerequisites

There are no specific requirements

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance at the lectures is strongly advised due to the unique teaching methods and methodologies employed. Active teaching activities will be planned during the lessons in order to verify the learning objectives and enrich the training offer: - small and medium group exercises and plenary sharing; - in-depth case studies; - seminar activities with sector experts/professionals; - work groups and in-depth study of proposed topics; - ongoing formative  checks

Detailed Course Content

The themes and issues of a theoretical-foundational and methodological general and social pedagogy, as well as the main models of action and intervention, will be thoroughly examined, with special reference to educational times and places, and the professionalism of the psychologist who will work in the context of educational, training, and care services. The models of the educational relationship and the importance assigned to the categories of "care", "support", and "dialogue" that are applicable to all educational pathways in the various stages of life, from childhood to old age, will be investigated. Specific attention will be paid to the compelling themes of contemporaneity in global and heterogeneous contexts, as well as the challenges posed by education for citizenship and sustainability, in accordance with the 2030 Agenda goals. A related line of research investigates educational leadership models and processes in relation to educational and training contexts.

Textbook Information

  • Frabboni F. & Pinto Minerva F. (2021) Manuale di pedagogia e didattica. Roma-Bari: Laterza (da pp. 3 a 135, da pp. 255 a 322).
  • Mariani A. (a cura di) La relazione educativa. Prospettive contemporanee. Roma: Carocci. (pp. 221)
  • F. De Bartolomeis F (2022). Percorsi educativi nello spazio e nel tempo. Bergamo: ZeroSei (pp. 76)
  • Bufalino G. (2021) Pedagogia e leadership educativa. Roma: Armando (pp. 150)

Approfondimento tematico: Agenda 2030, Sostenibilità ed Educazione alla Cittadinanza:

Giovanazzi, T. (2022). RiGenerazione Scuola: Un Piano per orientare l’educazione alla transizione ecologica. Formazione & insegnamento, 20 (1 Tome I), 127-135.  

Grange, T. (2018). Qualità dell’educazione e sviluppo sostenibile: un ’alleanza necessaria, una missione pedagogica. Pedagogia oggi, 16(1).

Farné, R. (2018). L’insostenibile pesantezza dell’educazione. Pedagogia oggi, 16(1), 51-69

Fiorucci, M. (2018). Società e scuola inclusive per lo sviluppo sostenibile: il contributo della pedagogia interculturale. Pedagogia oggi, 16(1), 115-127 

Dozza, L. (2018). Co-costruire pensiero ecologico per abitare la Terra. Pedagogia oggi, 16(1), 193-212.

Fabbri, M., & Soriani, A. (2021). Le sfide della scuola in una società complessa. Educare alla cittadinanza digitale per la costruzione di una cultura della democrazia. Pedagogia Oggi, 19(2), 054-063.

Pacetti, E., & Soriani, A. (2022). Insegnanti e competenze digitali: quale formazione iniziale e in servizio nel post pandemia?. Pedagogia Oggi, 20(1), 200-211.

Calvano, G. (2023). " Per fare la pace... ci vuole un fiore". Educare alla giustizia climatica per lo sviluppo sostenibile. MeTis-Mondi educativi. Temi indagini suggestioni, 13(1), 134-151.

Parricchi, M. A. (2018). Saperi e partecipazione. Verso una cittadinanza attiva. MeTis, 8(2), 208-220.

Gross, B. (2021). Educare per una società equa: l'educazione civica nella prospettiva della pedagogia interculturale e della cittadinanza. Pedagogia Oggi, 19(2), 71-78.

Castiglioni, M. (2022). Il Pedagogista in Sanità. Pedagogia oggi, 20(2), 50-59.

Marzano, A. (2023). Apprendere attraverso la valutazione tra pari nella formazione universitaria: I risultati di una esperienza didattica. Pedagogia Oggi, 21(1), 81-88.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral exam. Formative assessment tests will be scheduled during the lessons.

Element of assessment: adequacy of learned knowledge; thematic breadth; correctness of vocabulary and terminology in relation to content and methods; The ability to reflect critically; The ability to organize knowledge in accordance with specific goals.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Pedagogy between science and utopia; pedagogy as plural and complex knowledge; the integrated education system: characters and actors; schools; associations; models of educational leadership; educational care; education for sustainability