Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: SIMONA MASSIMINO

Expected Learning Outcomes

To define the neural basis of superior nervous functions.

Study of mechanisms that govern cognitive and emotional processes.

To analyze the role of genetic and environmental influences on development of psychic functions.

Course Structure

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Detailed Course Content

1. Brain and mind: historical aspects

2. Cognitive processes and neural activity.

3. Memory and learning

4. Attentional processes

5. Sleep and dream

6. Hypnosis.

7. Language.

8. Gnosis and praxis

9. Executive functions.

10. Intelligence.

11 Emotional processes,  Emotions and autonomic responses. Emotions and stress. Emotions and behavior.

12. Anxiety and aggression.

13. The action and its motivations.

   14.  Sexual behavior.

Textbook Information

 1. NEUROSCIENZE COGNITIVE, di Gazzaniga, Ivry, Mangun. Editore: Zanichelli, 2021

2. FONDAMENTI DI PSICOLOGIA FISIOLOGICA, di Neil R. Carlson, R. Bellucci, Editore:  PICCIN. Anno 2003 (capitolo 8 e 9)

3. Materiale didattico fornito dalla docente

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Storia delle neuroscienze 1 (cap 1)
2Struttura sistema nervoso centrale1 (cap 2)
3Apprendimento e memoria1 (cap 9)
4I processi attentivi1 (cap 7)
5Il linguaggio - le prassie- le gnosie1 (cap 4 - 6 - 11)
6I processi emotivi1 (cap 10)
7Ansia e stress1 (cap 3-10)
8Controllo cognitivo, funzioni esecutive, intelligenza1 (cap 12) + materiale aggiuntivo
9Ipnosimateriale aggiuntivo
10Il comportamento sessuale2 (cap 9) e/o materiale fornito dal docente
11Sonno e sogni2 (cap 8) e/o materiale fornito dal docente