Alessandra Scieri

PhD Student
PhD in - XXXVII cycle
Tutor: Liana Maria DAHER

Alessandra Scieri: a PhD student in Educational processes, theoretical-transformative models and research methods applied to the territory at the Department of Education Catania.

Her current research interests focus on the ethics of responsibility in young people, environmental issues and on several forms of protests, such as the international network of activist #Fridaysforfuture.

She was the holder of the research grant entitled "Collective actions for environmental sustainability: social actors, Fridays for future and social movements" as part of the research project CURSEMON at the Department of Education Catania.

She has collaborated as Junior Researcher in various projects on the following topics: environmental sustainability, multicultural school, social inclusion of unaccompanied minors and youth radicalization, funded on Erasmus + and H2020 announcement.

She is lecturer in the subject in General Sociology (SPS/07).