Academic Year 2021/2022 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Cinzia RECCA
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

To provide knowledge and understanding of Sicilian history in the early modern period (c.XVI-c.XIX).To provide knowledge and understanding of a diversity of topics, historiographical approaches, methods and theories associated with Sicilian modern history.To prepare the student for independent research.

Course Structure

The prevailing teaching method will be the lecture, alternated with moments of discussion, comparison, group work and seminar meetings; at times the lectures may be held in seminar form with scholars or specialists in the various topics through the use of interactive teaching. Some of the material available to students will be made available on Studium, which is available on the University website.

An optional in itinere test is foreseen for attending students. Each small group (or individual student) is required to present orally, and (in view of the final exam) with a short written report, an explanation and commentary on a text chosen from those listed above.


* If the course will be taught in blended or remote mode, necessary changes may be introduced with respect to what was stated previously, in order to comply with the planned and reported program in the syllabus

Detailed Course Content

History of Sicily between XVI and XIX centuries.

Depth study of the following issues:

- Dynaties and History of Royal Houses

- Origins and development of the Southern Question and the Concepts of Meridionalism

- The role of women in Sicilian society during early modern age

- Grand Tour

Textbook Information

Storia della Sicilia a cura di Benigno e Giarrizzo.

Monographic Readings

L. Scalisi. Per riparar l'incendio. Le politiche dell'emergenza dal Perù al Mediterraneo, Catania, Domenico Sanfilippo Editore, 2013

A. De Francesco, La palla al piede. Una storia del giudizio antimeridionale, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2012;

C.Recca . La ricerca del ‘Bello’. Viaggiatrici inglesi in Sicilia tra XVIII e XIX secolo. In: AA.VV. (a cura di): Elena Frasca, IL Valore e la virtù. Studi in onore di Silvana Raffaele. In: ANALECTA HUMANITATIS, vol. 37, p. 311-328, ACIREALE-ROMA, 2019 combined with R. Mazzei, Per terra e per acqua. Viaggi e viaggiatori nell’Europa moderna, Roma, Carocci, 2003.