Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ELEONORA PAPPALARDO

Expected Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students will have become familiar with the issues relating to the development of the Greek and Roman civilizations; they will be able to recognize and describe major monuments, works of art and archaeological finds; they will be able to project the skills acquired in terms of dating and stylistic analysis into the local context. The laboratory activities (3 CFU) will allow them to know the basics of communication techniques, enhancement and promotion of archaeological heritage through the use of multimedia tools.

Course Structure

Lezioni frontali e attività laboratoriali. Gli studenti saranno invitati a prendere parte a una/due visite didattiche.

Required Prerequisites

Rudiments of knowledge of the Greek and Roman civilizations.

Good display ability.

Basics of web applications.

Detailed Course Content

1. Archaeological method, sources, history of studies and research, historiography of Greek and Roman art.

2. Materials, techniques, typology and chronology of the monuments of Greek and Roman architecture.

3. Materials, techniques, chronology and lines of development of sculpture, relief and painting of the Greek and Roman world, with particular attention to the typological, iconographic and stylistic interpretation of the ancient work of art.

Textbook Information

R. Bianchi Bandinelli, Introduzione all’Archeologia, Universale Laterza.

G. Becatti, L’arte dell’età classica, Sansoni.

Specific papers will be provided during the course


Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam is oral.

The exam consists of 4 questions on the main works of the Greek and Roman world. During the test, the student may be presented with an image relating to a sculpture or a monument.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

The Parthenon and its sculptures.

The development of Greek sculpture.

Ceramic production in the Archaic period.

The development of Templar architecture.

The triumphal arches and the Roman villas.

The Pantheon.