Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Lucia ARCIFAExpected Learning Outcomes
Guided visits to the catacombs of Syracuse and the main monuments of Christian Catania are planned.
Course Structure
Required Prerequisites
Attendance of Lessons
Detailed Course Content
Christian archaeology and medieval archaeology: history of studies and perspectives of research in Italy.
Archaeology and material culture: the construction of the archaeological datum
The late antique formal language. The birth of early Christian art.
Christian cemeteries. Development of the catacombs. The cult of martyrs
From the domus ecclesiae to the Christian basilica.
The civitas christiana: urban transformations between late antiquity and the early Middle Ages. City and suburb
The rural landscape in Italy. The role of the monasteries
The incastellation
Textbook Information
1. R. Francovich, D. Manacorda (a cura di), Dizionario di archeologia, Bari 2000, s.v. Cultura materiale,
Medioevo, Archeologia e storia dell’arte, pp. 99-104; 305-318.
Storia degli studi
2. F. W. Deichmann, Archeologia cristiana, Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, cap. II-V, pp. 21-70.
3. P. Delogu, R. Francovich, R. Hodges, Archeologia Medievale (dossier), “Archeo” 77 (1991), pp. 52-101.
Arte paleocristina (pittura scultura)
4. R. Bianchi Bandinelli, Roma. La fine dell’arte antica, Milano 1970, pp. 1- 83.
Le catacombe
5. V. Fiocchi Nicolai, Origini e sviluppo delle catacombe romane, in V. Fiocchi Nicolai, F. Bisconti, D.
Mazzoleni, Le catacombe cristiane di Roma. Origini, sviluppo, apparati decorativi, documentazione
epigrafica, Regesburg 1998, pp. 6-69
L’architettura: la nascita dell’edificio religioso
6. A. Chavarria Arnau, Archeologia delle chiese. Dalle origini all’anno Mille, Roma 2014, pp. 11-153
Forme insediative tra tardo antico e alto medioevo. Città, campagne, castelli
7. A. Augenti, Archeologia dell’Italia medievale, Roma Bari 2016, pp. 4-184; 276-284
8.A. Vanoli, La Sicilia musulmana, Bologna 2012
9. L. Arcifa, La città nel Medioevo:sviluppo urbano e dominio territoriale, in L. Scalisi (a cura di), Catania:
L'identità urbana dall'Antichità al Settecento, Catania, 2009, pp. 72-111.
10.A. Bagnera, From a small town to a capital: the urban evolution of Islamic Palermo (9th-mid 11th
century), in A. Nef (ed.), A Companion to medieval Palermo. The history of a Mediterranean City from 600
to 1500, Leiden – Boston 2013, pp. 61-88.
11. L. Arcifa, Trasformazioni urbane nell'altomedioevo siciliano. Uno status quaestionis, in Paesaggi
urbani tardoantichi. Casi a confronto, Atti delle VIII Giornate Gregoriane Bari 2016, pp. 31-40
Learning Assessment
Learning Assessment Procedures
Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises
Origin and development of the catacombs
The cult of the martyr
The burials ad santos
Images of Christians in the catacombs
Characteristics of late antique art