Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: ZAIRA SALAFIA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The French Language course involves the attainment and / or strengthening of the communicative functions and the corresponding morpho-syntactic structures suitable for achieving a know-how, in terms of oral and written competences, related to the sectoral tourism sector. Outgoing language skills must be at level B1 (CEFR)

The educational objectives, expressed according to the Dublin Descriptors, are the following:


Applied knowledge and understanding (DD2) -


- Link the methodological contents learned to the interpretation of sectoral texts.


Autonomy of judgment (DD3) -


- knowing how to formulate the training request


Communication skills (DD4) -


- Knowing how to communicate projects and the meaning of one's actions.


- Knowing how to comment, dialogue, negotiate and argue.


- Knowing how to write written texts of various kinds.


Learning ability (DD5) -


Knowing how to identify your training needs

Course Structure

The teaching methods proposed will be mainly those of integrated teaching with participatory lessons and cooperative activities to stimulate motivation, confrontation and active participation; lectures will mainly focus on the stages of systematization and meta-linguistic reflection

Required Prerequisites

There are no prerequisites, the course is open to everyone, also beginners

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance at the lessons of the general and lettorato course is highly recommended.

Detailed Course Content

The course includes analysis of authentic or didactic documents and activities on general communication functions and related to the tourism sector (take contact; accueillir; renseigner; promouvoir un site; réserver, vendre, annuler un produit touristique; the courriel); linguistic reflection on the morpho-syntactic structures (genre, nombre et place du nom et de the adjectif; adjectives et pronoms possessifs, demonstratifs et personnels simples et doubles; pronoms relatifs; the interrogation, the négation, the comparaison; indicatif présent, passé composé, imparafait; futur; condictionnel; subjonctif présent; cheques emplois des modes et des temps; gallicismes; passive forms connecteurs spatio-temporels); description of the main types of tourism and professional categories. The in-depth course includes activities on the presentation of places of interest and monuments, in order to start the students on a personal tourist presentation to be presented during the exam.

Textbook Information

- S.Corbeau, Ch Dubois; J.-L.Penfornis;, Français professionnel, Cle International, Paris, 2013.

- L.Parodi, M.Vallacco, Grammathèque grammatica contrastiva per italiani + Grammathèque exercices, Cideb, Torino, 2014.

 -Lecture notes and indepth dossiers will be publised on Studium

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Premiers contacts. Parler de son métier et de son entreprise. Engager une conversation téléphonique. Comprendre et rédiger un CV. C'est/Il est. Indicatif présent. Articles. Adjectifs qualificatifs. pp.10-21
2Accueil. Lire un plan, indiquer la direction. Accueillir les passagers à bord d'un avion. Renseigner sur un indicateur horaire. Expliquer un billet de train, prendre une réservation. Il faut. Impératif présent. Nombres. Adjectifs possessifs. Articles partitifs. L' pp.26-37
3Animation. Rédiger et présenter un programme d'animation. Renseigner sur le programme des manifestation. Evaluer une prestation touristique. Futur et futur proche. Adjectifs démonstratifs. Articles contractés. Pronoms rélatifs. Passé récent. Présent pp.42-53
4Promotion d'une destination. Rédiger une lettre commerciale, de documentation et de vente, de promotion. Place de l'adjectif. Le comparatif et le pp.58-69
5Vente d'un produit touristique. La brochure touristique. Vendre, annuler et proposer des solutions. Les adjectifs indéfinis. La nominalisation. Les pronoms personnels directs, indirects et pp.74-85
6Guide. Préparer une visite guidée. Présenter un monument. S'adapter au groupe. Passé composé. Imparfait. Expressions de pp.89-98
7Présenter un monument. Le chateau. L'Abbaye.Materiale su Studium
8La vie du monument. Les Bénédictins. La forme passive.Materiale su Studium
9la cyberquete pour rechercher les informationsMateriale su Studium
10Types de tourisme et métiers du tourismeMateriale su Studium
11Lectorate dossiers

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam includes a written test and an oral test. The two tests take place on the same day, except in the case in which, exceptionally, there is an excessive number of booked. The positive outcome of the written test determines access to the oral exam. The written test includes: a written comprehension; grammar exercises for transformation and completion; written production on tourist services (internship request, booking of tourist services, proposals for visits). The oral exam includes: the exhibition of a personal touristic production, presentation of localities, circuits, monuments, of the territory; ascertaining the acquisition of the skills and contents envisaged in the programming; the exposition of the geographical and cultural aspects of a French locality, treated during the lectorate exercises.
 The evaluation criteria that are followed for the exam are set out:
- Communication skills
- Knowledge of the topics covered
- Ability to organize and rework knowledge
- Linguistic and phonetic correctness
- Lexical adequacy
The final mark of the entire course will derive from the average of the marks obtained in the three parts (written test, interview with the reader, interview with the teacher in charge of the course).

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Written test: reading comprehension questions, closed and open; transformation exercises eg. Transform to the interrogative form with inversion Les touristes ont visité l'église, ex. transforms Les romains ont construit le temple to the passive form; completion exercises eg. Complete with the tense indicated Ils (passé composé faire) .............. le tour de la ville; Write a booking e-mail based on the data elements (destination, date, stopover, company).
Oral exam: Presentation of a tourist presentation prepared by the candidate. Sample questions about the program: Quels sont les types de tourisme ?; Those sont les qualités que doit have a guide / animateur ?; Faites une annonce de départ à partir des éléments du panneau of information; What sont les villes les plus touristiques de la France?
A model of the written test is available on Studium in the lettorato folder.