Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ORAZIO PALIO

Expected Learning Outcomes

1) To know the general framework and development of the different stages of Mediterranean prehistory in the age between the Neolithic and the Bronze Age;
2) To know the problems related to settlement systems, territorial organization, economic and symbolic systems.
3) To be able to deal independently with the study and analysis of an archaeological context of the prehistoric age, highlighting the elements that characterize its organization;
4) To know how to communicate the knowledge acquired, deepening the themes that will be presented to the students' attention during the course.
5) Learning to construct thematic paths around which to build a communication project of archaeological heritage

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge related to prehistory acquired in the first year of high school

Detailed Course Content

Methodology and history of prehistoric research; definitions and concepts.

Chronological development and dating elements.

Archaeological facies: definition and characteristics.

The Italian peninsula and Sicily between the Neolithic and the Bronze Age; territory, settlements and social organization.

Textbook Information

Alberto Cazzella, Giulia Recchia, Alle origini delle disuguaglianze. Dall'affermazione dell'economia produttiva alle prime forme di stratificazione in Italia e nelle isole adiacenti (6000-1000 a.C.). Edizioni di storia e studi sociali di Giovanna Corradini Editore, Ragusa 2021

Sebastiano Tusa, La Sicilia nella Preistoria, Sellerio, Palermo.