Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: DONATELLA STEFANIA PRIVITERA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to provide students with basic knowledge of economic geography, with insights to the tourism sector. The education is aimed at the basic structures (logical and methodological) of economic geography as well as to provide knowledge of the main territorial, demographic, economic and social aspects in which the territory is articulated; to know how to use a level of study especially explanatory-applicative-scientific; to the transmission of the concepts of the theoretical, spatial, organizational and managerial linterpretations applied to the national and international tourism system, current and potential.

Course Structure

The course include lectures, working groups, in-depth seminars held by professional and academic figures, mid-term reviews and field application investigations such as visits to local area locations, and meetings with practitioners. If, due to contiguous problems, the teaching is given in a blended or distance mode, necessary variations from what is stated may be introduced.

Required Prerequisites

A basic knowledge of physical geography is required with advisable attendance of the zero course "The World and Its Countries" (lectures available at the beginning of the first didactic semester), and in-depth knowledge of elements of economics. Also required is an ability to make interdisciplinary connections particularly with acquired knowledge of economics and sociology disciplines, with adequate technical linguistic expression regarding knowledge.

Attendance of Lessons


Detailed Course Content

The course presents an essential understanding of critical perspectives on how tourism places and spaces are created and maintained. Drawing on the holistic nature of geography, a range of social science disciplinary views are presented, including contemporary perspectives. Fundamentally, however, the course strives to connect tourism to key geographical concepts of globalisation, sustainability, mobility, cities, landscapes, and post-industrial change of firms explores a range of major themes in the geographies of tourism, including place creation and promotion, the transformation of urban tourism, heritage and place identity, and creating personal identity through consumption, encounters with nature and other embodied forms of tourism experience.

Textbook Information

For Erasmus students and foreigners it is' possible to agree an alternative program in English. Really foreign students can choose a written test in English.
English text: Stephen Williams, Alan A. Lew, Tourism Geography: Critical Understandings of Place, Space and Experience (3rd Edition), Routledge, New York, 2014, ISBN-13: 978-0415854443

Bignante Elisa, Celata Filippo, Vanolo A. Geografie dello sviluppo. Una prospettiva critica e globaleUTET2014
Dell'Agnese ElenaBon Voyage. Per una geografia critica del turismoUTET2018
Articoli e materiale aggiuntivo di aggiornamento

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

During the didactic semester of face-to-face lectures (first semester) there will be written midterm tests, working groups with oral presentations of applied real cases, and a final written test (multiple-choice test). During the exam session appeals will be oral. The student's evaluation is assigned according to mastery of topics, expository skills, knowledge of disciplinary vocabulary, critical and interdisciplinary insights and related applied understanding. Also from the ability to interact in working groups. Participation in seminars, external visits to institutions and workshops organized during the teaching semester will be of added value. Verification of learning may also be conducted electronically, should conditions require it.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Numerous and frequent application examples of questions/exercises for each topic covered will be addressed during the lectures. Tutorials are scheduled before individual written midterm exams. The oral examination tends to test the skills acquired and the ability to elaborate, critically investigate and feedback according to the reference texts and additional material in the application of theoretical knowledge excluding purely mnemonic knowledge.