Academic Year 2019/2020 - 3° YearLearning Objectives
Study of European and extra-European history between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. Deepening of specific topics linked to the main events of the modern age. Ability to link the most important political-institutional events with the social, demographic and economic changes.
Course Structure
Oral lessons; films and documentaries related to the topics; educational excursions; interviews and/or group projects.
Detailed Course Content
History of Europe between XVI and XIX centuries: events, revolts, revolutions, politics, society, economy, demography, education, family.
Textbook Information
Corso generale
- F. Benigno, L’età moderna. Dalla scoperta dell’America alla Restaurazione, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2005.
Corso monografico
S. Raffaele (a cura di), Il sapore dell’antico. Regia Custodia, Grand Tour… e altro nella Sicilia del Sette-Ottocento, Catania, Cuecm, 2007.
S. Raffaele, Aut virum... aut murum. Matrimoni strategici, serafiche nozze e mistici divorzi nella Sicilia moderna, Acireale-Roma, Bonanno, 2010.