Academic Year 2018/2019 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Rosalba PANVINI
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Gain understanding of Museology and Museography; to acquire knowledge of how to organize a museum itinerary

Course Structure

Formal Lectures

Detailed Course Content

Museum Institutions, Elements of Museum Laws, Quality and Preservation Standards; Origins of Collectionism and the Foundation of Public Collections; Museum Administrative Organization; Didactic Workshops; Valorisation and Promotion of Collections

Textbook Information

M.V. Marini Clarelli, What is a museum ?, Roma, (Carroccio) 2005 ; M. Cecilia Mazzi, In journey with the Muses. Spaces and Models of Museums, Firenze, Edifir, 2008 ; P. F. Caliari, Museography Aesthetic Theory and Didactic Methods. Firenze (Alinea Editrice) 2003 ; P. Clemente, Museography and Mass Communication, Roma, (Aracne) 2004 ; Tomea Gavazzoli , Handbook of Museology, Milano, (Etas) 2004 ; Museum Didactics, ( a cura di L. Zerbini), Roma (Aracne) 2006