Academic Year 2016/2017 - 3° Year - Curriculum Unico
Teaching Staff: Valentina PERCIAVALLE
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course aims to illustrate the theoretical and practical foundations of Special Education to promote the educational integration of pupils with "special educational needs". They must be known and mastered the main methodological and teaching strategies by specialized teachers and not to make aN effective integration of quality. Particular attention will be devoted to the processes of individualization, differentiation and customization of learning to design more functional educational-didactic strategies that promote a truly inclusive school environment of students.

Detailed Course Content

Institutional part
Special education
General Education, Special Education, Integrated Education
The Special Education as educational integration of diversity
Design the educational and didactic differentiation
The logic of integration and inclusion
The specialized teacher-in and integration
The quality indicators of the integration process
The complexity of the teacher's specialized skills-a
The personalization of learning paths

Monografica part
The quality indicators for the process of school inclusion of students with disabilities
Tools and strategies for the integration and inclusion of disability
clinical diagnosis, functional diagnosis, the functional dynamic profile, individualized education plan
The P.E.I and integrated P.E.I
Adaptation of the objectives, activities and materials
educational care and life plan
The teaching of the helping relationship
design comparing models: the teaching strategy of the integrating background
The organization of the class group and resources
The care and mutual help
The narrative approach and the special education
special education for deaf pupils
The deaf child and school integration
Design the integration of teaching deaf child
The methodological debate and the prospects for re-education of hearing impaired student

Textbook Information

F. Dovigo, Fare differenze. Indicatori per l’inclusione scolastica degli alunni con bisogni educativi speciali, Erickson, Trento, 2007.

M. Coco., V Perciavalle . I volti del corpo. CATANIA: Cavallotto Edizioni, Catania, 2013..