Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: DANIELA GULISANO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course intends to offer a theoretical and praxic framework that connotes the animative action, underlining its educational and training potential from a methodological perspective. Animation is proposed as a practice aimed at developing socio-cultural projects in the action contexts of formal, non-formal and informal education. Particular importance is also given to the theories and methodologies of play, examining different types of games: from social ones in early childhood to those with objects, from symbolic to fantasy play.

Course Structure

The lessons will be carried out through a "mixed" methodology of a frontal and laboratory nature in the classroom through the active and collaborative participation of the students.

Required Prerequisites

Conoscere gli elementi di base che caratterizzano le Metodologie e tecniche del gioco e dell'animazione.

Attendance of Lessons

Lessons are optional but strongly recommended, as they are characterized by the active participation of students. Attending the lessons allows you to progressively acquire mastery of the contents, to discuss with colleagues and the teacher on topics and problems, to constantly check their learning levels. The lectures will alternate with moments of group and individual work.

Detailed Course Content

  • Game description models and theories;
  • The game in the first two years of life;
  • From exploration to play;
  • The evolution of the symbolic game;
  • From fantasy games to rules games;
  • Educational implications of the animative approach;
  • Socio-cultural animation and group development;
  • Didactic perspectives of animation;
  • Active techniques and strategies;
  • Workshop courses at school.

Textbook Information

Baumgartner E. Il gioco dei Bambini, Carocci, Roma 2022;

De Rossi M. Didattica dell'animazione. Contesti, metodi, tecniche, Carocci, Roma 2021.

Baumgartner EmmaIl gioco dei BambiniCarocci2022 9788843054367
De Rossi MarinaDidattica dell'animazione. Contesti, metodi, tecnicheCarocci20219788843090266

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The verification of learning, aimed at ascertaining the acquisition of the disciplinary contents and the operational application of the same, will be carried out in writing through the administration of structured and free items (questions). The written test must be completed in 120 minutes.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

  • Fundamental theories on animation;
  • Didactic perspectives of animation;
  • The fantasy game;
  • The symbolic game.