Academic Year 2021/2022 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Gabriella D'APRILE
Credit Value: 10
Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
Taught classes: 60 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The aim of the course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills to critically and problematically reflect on the main themes of contemporary pedagogical debate concerning theories, practices, and educational policies of a pedagogy intended as a science of education.

The following are the expected learning objectives:

to know theories and models of pedagogical knowledge in order to interpret educational practice in a historical-evolutionary perspective;

to connect the theoretical and methodological contents to the interpretation of events and processes;

to know how to synthesize the different approaches in education theories;

to know how to obsess over education and training theories.

Course Structure

Attendance at the lessons is not required, but it is strongly advised due to the unique formative modalities and didactic methodologies used in the delivery of the teaching.
The teaching activities will be conducted in an active learning mode, alternating lectures with cooperative learning activities, as well as dialogic comparisons, exercises, and formative evaluation activities. During the lessons, the following activities may be carried out in order to broaden the training offer:
-exercises in small and medium groups
-Experiential work groups on teacher-proposed issues
-Seminar activities with field experts/professionals.
If the course is taught in a hybrid mode or at a distance, changes may be made to what was previously stated in order to comply with the planned program and the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

The course will cover theoretical-foundational, epistemological-methodological, and general and social pedagogical issues, as well as the main educational models, with a focus on the professionalism of the psychologist who will work in educational and training contexts.

The course will offer a prospective in-depth study on three directions with the intent of submitting to examination some emerging themes of the contemporary pedagogical debate, also declined in their professionalizing component.
-invisible and the unconscious;
-Leadership and academic professionalism;
-environmental education, environmental sustainability, formative processes

Textbook Information

-F. Frabboni, F. Pinto Minerva, Manuale di pedagogia e didattica, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2013 (VII rist. 2021): da p. 4 a p. 81, da p. 135 a 196; da p.255 a p.322;

-G. Bonetta, L’invisibile educativo, Armando Editore, Roma, 2017;

-G. Bufalino, Pedagogia e Leadership educativa, Armando Editore, Roma, 2020;

- A.A.VV. ( a cura di), Educazione alla sostenibilità, numero monografico open access della rivista “Pedagogia Oggi” SIPED anno I, vol. 16 n., giugno 2018: L’editoriale pp. 11- 18; selezione di 8 articoli a scelta dello studente. PDF scaricabile all'indirizzo web: