Academic Year 2016/2017 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Vincenzo PERCIAVALLE
Credit Value: 5
Scientific field: BIO/09 - PHYSIOLOGY
Taught classes: 30 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

To define the neural basis of higher nervous functions.

To analyze the role of genetic and environmental influences on the development of psychic abilities.

To outline, through practical workshops, the methods for the evaluation of the higher nervous functions.

Detailed Course Content

Learning and memory. Motivations and emotions.

conditioned reflexes. Learning and memory in humans. sensory memory. short-term memory. long-term memory. explicit and implicit memory memory. cellular and molecular mechanisms of learning and memory. Synaptic plasticity. molecular modifications of synaptic transmission mechanisms. Habit. Awareness. Conditioning. long-term potentiation. long-term depression. Outline of main memory disorders.

Motivation and reinforcements.

Emotions. role of the amygdala.

Awareness, vigilance and attention.

Electroencephalogram (EEG). Origin mobile EEG activity. EEG changes in relation to supervision. Relations between EEG and activity of individual neurons. Influences extracorticali EEG activity. activating systems.

Sleep. sleep stages. Organization of nocturnal sleep. Ontogeny of sleep. Sleep and dreaming. Neural mechanisms of sleep-wake cycle. peculiar characteristics of REM sleep. physiological significance of sleep.

Language and functional asymmetries between the cerebral hemispheres.

Language. Lateralization of language function. cortical areas devoted to language processing.

Executive functions. Intelligence.


Textbook Information

James W. Kalat, BIOPSICOLOGIA, EdiSES, Napoli, 2004

Camillo Di Giulio et al., FONDAMENTI ANATOMO-FISIOLOGICI DELLA PSICHE, Poletto Editore, 2008