Federica SCIACCA

Adjunct Professor of SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY [PSIC-03/A ]

Federica Sciacca, psychologist, Gestalt psychotherapist, expert in psychodiagnostics and pathological addictions, holds a Ph. D from the Department of Education Sciences at the University of Catania, lecturer M-PSI/05 (social psychology) at the University of Catania, contract lecturer in social and group psychology at the University of Catania, associate member of the AIP (Italian Association of Psychology) and EAGT (European Association Gestalt Therapy), didactic student in the psychotherapy specialisation course at the Gestalt Institute HCC Italy.
She trained in statistics and research methodology by attending the schools "Multivariate Analysis for Social Research" at the University of Calabria, "Structural Equation Models" at the University of Calabria, and "Introduction to Data Analysis with R" at the Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialisation Processes at La Sapienza University of Rome, "Multiple and Multilevel Regression Models for the Study of Direct and Conditional Effects: Mediation and Moderation Effects" at the Italian Association of Psychology.
She underwent research training at the University of Salford (Manchester) and the University of Kent (Canterbury) in the UK.
Author of 30 publications in the fields of clinical and social psychology, psychiatry, research and psychotherapy.
She has participated in 20 national and international conferences as a speaker.
She has carried out several training and internship periods in the field of addictions at the Ser.T of Catania and Augusta, in the field of eating disorders at the Vittorio Emanuele University Polyclinic of Catania, in the field of psychological support and rehabilitation with psychiatric disorders at CTA Helios, in the field of transplantation at the Gaspare Rodolico University Polyclinic of Catania.
She currently works in collaboration with the University of Catania, in the field of scientific research at the Department of Education Sciences.
Since 2017 she has been carrying out individual and couple psychological counselling and support and since 2021 individual, couple and family psychotherapy at her private practice based in Catania (CT).

  • 2015: Degree in Psychology (mark 110/110 cum laude), University of Catania.
  • 2016: Licensed to practise as a psychologist, University of Messina.
  • 2017: Registration in the register of psychologists of the Sicilian region no. 8254/A
  • 2021: Specialisation in Psychotherapy
  • 2023: PhD in Formative processes, transformative theoretical model and research methods applied to the territory (Section Social Psychology), University of Catania.
  • Since 2023: Contract Lecturer in SSD M-PSI/05 "Social Psychology" at the Department of Education Sciences, University of Catania


N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information
N.B. the number of theses can affect the loading time of the information