Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: FRANCESCA IRENE FOTI

Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and understanding. The learning outcomes of the course concern the fundamental elements of the study of the mind through current neuroscientific disciplines. The specific topics to be explored are the connections between neuroscience, psychology and its applications, especially in the field of cognitive neurorehabilitation.

Applying knowledge and understanding. Ability to understand the current theoretical, experimental, empirical, and applied developments of the discipline.

Making judgements. Ability to argue personal interpretations inherent to the study of the mind and behavior.

Communication skills. Ability to present one's knowledge clearly and with proper language. Ability to communicate with specialists, using an appropriate psychological vocabulary and, at the same time, ability to communicate psychological concepts to non-specialists in a simple and correct way.

Learning skills. Ability to develop adequate learning skills that allow for continuous and autonomous updating of one's knowledge. Ability to consult specialized literature and use appropriate bibliographic and scientific resources to better define and develop one's study and research work.

Course Structure


Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of fundamentals of general and developmental psychology, and neurobiology.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not mandatory, but strongly recommended. Specifically, attendance is recommended for students who prefer not to limit themselves to studying the textbooks recommended for the exam but choose to delve deeper into the criteria and methods of research on neuroscience and cognitive science.

Detailed Course Content

The Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience module addresses the relationships between cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and simulations, in the multidisciplinary approach that characterizes cognitive sciences. The course intends to provide the fundamental elements for the study of the mind through current neuroscientific disciplines.

The aim is to present the connections between neuroscience, psychology and its applications, especially in the field of cognitive neurorehabilitation.

Among other things, the following contents are explored in depth:

  • Genetics and epigenetics in explaining the cognitive, emotional and relational aspects of the mind
  • Applications of neuroscience to the study of different disorders, economics, aesthetics, and morality
  • Consciousness, from basic attention to self-awareness
  • The development of language and other cognitive functions and the possibilities of simulation from an 'artificial life' perspective
  • Applications of simulation to educational technologies (edutainment) and relational skills (role-playing games)
  • The use of 'assistive robotics' in the rehabilitation of developmental disorders and cognitive deficits

Textbook Information

  1. Di Nuovo S., “Prigionieri delle neuroscienze?” – Giunti 2014 (200 pagg. circa)
  2. Aa.Vv., “Vita naturale, vita artificiale” – Franco Angeli 2015 (110 pagg. circa)

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Neuropsychology and neuroscienceTextbook 1 (whole)
2Simulation: methods and aimsTextbook 2, ch. 1-2. Textbook 1, ch. 12
3Natural and artificial linguistic developmentTextbook 2, ch. 3
4Educational technologies and artificial role-playing gamesTextbook 2, ch. 4-5
5Robotics and its applicationsTextbook 2, ch. 6-8
6Insights into neuroscienceTextbook 1 (box I-X) 

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam takes place orally, in the same session as the other two modules.

The questions concern both the general parts of the texts and the in-depth parts; the first are essential for passing the exam, the latter determine the assignment of the grade in the higher values of the range.

Personal in-depth study of at least one of the specific topics of the course will be positively considered towards the final evaluation. For this individual in-depth study, refer to the bibliography of the recommended textbooks and/or neuroscience sites.

Below are the evaluation criteria:

a) relevance of the answers to the questions asked; b) quality of contents; c) ability to connect with other topics covered in the programme; d) ability to report examples; e) properties of technical language; f) overall expressive ability of the student.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

The questions will focus on all topics covered in the course.

By way of example only, some sample questions are given below:

Sample question 1: describe the function of emotions.

Sample question 2: describe the Default Mode Network.

Sample question 3: describe robotics and its applications.