Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: FILIPPO CARACI

Expected Learning Outcomes

Aim of this course is to provide a specific knowledge of the molecular mechanisms underlying both clinical efficacy and side effects of the psychotropic drugs used for the treatment of psychiatric disorders.The course is designed to enhance the knowledge base of future psychologists in psychopharmacology working in medical settings, private practice, or other settings where the interaction with the psychiatrists is critical to improve patient care and manage patients with neuropsychiatric disorders. According to this aim specific lectures with mimicked clinical cases will be planned during the course  to evaluate the role of psychometric tests in the evaluation of the clinical efficacy of psychotropic drugs and in particular in the pharmacological treatment of depression, bipolar disorder, ADHD, and mild cognitive impairment.

Course Structure

The course will consist of lectures

According to thie aim of the course, specific lectures with mimicked clinical cases will be planned during the course  to evaluate the role of psychometric tests in the evaluation of the clinical efficacy of psychotropic drugs and in particular in the pharmacological treatment of depression, bipolar disorder, ADHD, and mild cognitive impairment.

Required Prerequisites

  • Basic knowledge of biology and chemistry
  • Good knowledge of the Anatomy of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System
  • Good knowledge of Physiology with particular attention to neurophysiology and neurobiology of the main neurotransmitter systems
  • Good knowledge of Psychobiology
  • Good knowledge of Clinical Psychology

Detailed Course Content

The first part of the course will be dedicated to the general principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.

During the second part of the course we will examine the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic profile as well as the therapeutic indications of antidepressants, mood stabilizers, anxiolytics and hypnotics and antipsychotic drugs.

Specific topics will be then analyzed such as the neurobiological basis and pharmacological treatment of addiction, the possible role of psychotropic drugs for the treatment of psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescence, eating disorders and personality disorders. A specific session will be dedicated to geriatric psychopharmacology focusing on the neurobiological basis and pharmacological treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and post-stroke depression.

Integration between psycopharmacology e psychotherapy: role of epigenetics.

Textbook Information

  1. Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE. A Primer of Drug Action. 2012, XII edition, pp. 1-248; pp. 519-631.
  2. Stahl S. Essential Psychopharmacology. Fourth Edition, Cambridge University Press.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Neurobiologia e Neurofarmacologia del sistema serotoninergicoIndice Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE  pp. 58-83
2Neurobiologia e Neurofarmacologia del sistema gabaergicoIndice Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE  pp. 58-83
3Neurobiologia e Neurofarmacologia del sistema glutammatergicoIndice Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE  pp. 58-83
4Neurobiologia e Neurofarmacologia del sistema dopaminergico e noradrenergicoIndice Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE pp. 58-83
5Neurobiologia e Neurofarmacologia del sistema colinergicoIndice Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE-Dispensa Lezioni
6Principi fondamentali di farmacocinetica: assorbimento e distribuzione dei farmaciIndice Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE pp. 6-57
7Principi fondamentali di farmacocinetica:metabolismo dei farmaciIndice Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE  pp. 6-57
8Principi fondamentali di farmacocinetica:eliminazione dei farmaciIndice Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE  pp. 6-57
9Principi fondamentali di farmacodinamicaIndice Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE  pp. 6-57
10I recettori metabotropici e ionotropiciIndice Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE-Dispensa Lezioni
11Farmaci antidepressivi IMAO e tricicliciIndice Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE pp. 132-174 -Dispensa Lezioni
12Farmaci antidepressivi SSRI e SNRIIndice Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JEpp. 132-174 -Dispensa Lezioni
13Farmaci stabilizzanti del tono dell’umoreIndice Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE  pp. 183-211
14Farmaci ansiolitici ed ipnoinducentiIndice Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE  pp. 220-248
15Farmaci antipsicotici di prima generazioneIndice Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE  pp. 87-123
16Farmaci antipsicotici di seconda generazioneIndice Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE pp. 87-123
17Principali indicazioni terapeutiche dei farmaci psicotropiIndice Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE
18Basi neurobiologiche e trattamento farmacologico delle diverse forme di dipendenzeIndice Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE  pp. 519-538
19Ruolo degli psicofarmaci nel trattamento dei disturbi psichici dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenzaIndice Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE  pp. 552-557
20Ruolo degli psicofarmaci dei disturbi della condotta alimentare e dei disturbi di personalitàDispense sintetiche fornite dal docente
21Possibile uso off-label degli psicofarmaci Dispense sintetiche fornite dal docente
22Possibile uso degli psicofarmaci in gravidanza e nel puerperioIndice Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE pp. 545-551
23Psicofarmacologia geriatrica I: basi neurobiologiche e trattamento farmacologico della malattia di AlzheimerIndice Di Nuovo-Vianello, Deterioramento cognitivo: forme, diagnosi e intervento.MILANO:FrancoAngeli, 2013
24Psicofarmacologia geriatrica II: basi neurobiologiche e trattamento farmacologico della malattia di Parkinson e della depressione post-strokeIndice Julien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE pp. 597-615
25Integrazione tra psicofarmacologia e psicoterapiaJulien RM, Advokat CD, Comaty JE. Droghe e farmaci psicoattivi: XII edizione 2012, Zanichelli: pp. 620-631

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral exam

CInAP support will be required in presence of specific teaching activities related to specific needs

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Agonist and antagonist
Metabotropic receptors
The ionotropic receptors
Absorption of drugs
Distribution of medicines
Phase I metabolism of drugs
Phase II metabolism of drugs
Elimination of drugs
Signal transduction
partial agonist
Pharmacology of the cholinergic system
Pharmacology of the serotonergic system
Pharmacology of the gabaergic system
Pharmacology of the glutamatergic system
Pharmacology of the noradrenergic and dopaminergic system
SNRI extension
Tricyclic antidepressants
Neurobiological basis and pharmacological treatment of major depression
Interaction between psychometrics and psychopharmacology
Drug formulations
First generation antipsychotics
Second generation antipsychotics
Neurobiological basis of schizophrenia
Neurobiological basis of addiction
Cholinesterase inhibitors
Amyloid hypothesis and new drugs
Epigenetics and psychotherapy
Neurotrophic hypothesis of depression
Psychometrics and psychopharmacology of depression
Psychometrics and psychopharmacology of schizophrenia
Psychometrics and psychopharmacology of ADHD
Psychometrics and psychopharmacology of MCI and Alzheimer's disease