Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Santo DI NUOVO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The learning objectives of the course are:

To know the historical developments of psychological tests and the methodological principles on which they are based

To enable learners to discriminate between the different types of tests and the objectives for which they are used

To present possible 'technical' errors in the application and interpretation of tests, and the risks of misuse in the use of results by clients

To differentiate quantitative and qualitative levels in the psychometric approach;

To learn more about the criteria for choosing and correctly using cognitive and personality tests;

To practically practice the coding and interpretation of some main diagnostic tools.

To learn more about the uses of tests for developmental ages, in the various application fields (scholastic, legal-forensic, rehabilitation, etc.)

Course Structure

Frontal teaching + in-depth workshops on tests most commonly used in the psychology profession.

For detailed procedures, see the specific section.

Required Prerequisites

The Cognitive and Personality Tests course presupposes knowledge of the fundamentals of psychometrics of general and developmental psychology, acquired in the three-year degree.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance to the lessons is strongly recommended in order to learn the practical aspects of using the tests, as it is not enough "reading" the texts to be studied to pass the exam.

Examples of test materials, that books cannot adequately illustrate, will be presented in class.

Attendance is essential especially for those who intend to attend the laboratories valid for the Practical Internship, because the tests that will be presented in them, in the practical clinical cases, will have been explained previously in class and their knowledge will therefore be assumed during the laboratory.

Detailed Course Content

Definition, characteristics and history of psychological tests

Reliability and validity and test construction and calibration criteria

Intelligence level tests, in typical and atypical development

Neuropsychological tests for the evaluation of disabilities and Special Educational Needs

Psychometric tests and criterial and "dynamic" tests, with specific references to developmental age

Differences between tests and questionnaires

Traits and dynamics in personality assessment in adults and adolescents

Clinical use of psychometric instruments for individuals and families

Personality tests: inventories and projectives

Adaptation and "soft skills" tests

Test for assessment in the workplace and professional orientation

Uses of psychometric tests in psychological practice, computerized and remote testing

Uses of tests in developmental fields: scholastic, legal-forensic, rehabilitation

Textbook Information

  1. DI NUOVO S. Misurare la mente. I test cognitivi e di personalità, Laterza, Bari-Roma (pages 180). Make sure to use the most recent edition of the textbook, which contains an update on pages 172-176. This is important for knowing the latest versions of the tests (especially the Wechsler scales) and referring to them during the exam.
  2. DI NUOVO S. Test psicometrici per l'età evolutiva, Franco Angeli, Milano 2023 (pages 100).
  3. In the laboratory, tests widely used in diagnostic practice will be presented and exemplified, dealing with clinical cases.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1History of psychological tests
2Fundamentals of Psychometry
3Evaluation of intelligence
4Evaluation of personality
5Test in different fields of psychologcal practice
6Tests for developmental ages
7Uses of the tests and ethics and deontological aspects.
8Computerized testing and remote assessment

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam takes place in oral form.

At the end of the exam, a practical demonstration of the application of a test (among those reported on Studium), is required. 

There are no ongoing ("in itinere") tasks preparatory to the exam.

Those who attend the workshops to have the hours validated for the purposes of the evaluation internship should prepare a report containing personal reflections on one of the topics covered in the workshop (not a simple report) and have it endorsed by the teacher-tutor at the end of the workshop. exam, and then hand it over to the internship office.

Those who follow the course for Erasmus purposes will have to inquire with the secretariat about the attendance of the laboratories valid for professional qualification.