Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: GIUSEPPE SANTISI

Expected Learning Outcomes

The aim of the course is to delve into models and practices of organizational behavior with a historical projection, from the first organic theorizations up to the most recent and emerging models and practices. The expected results aim to verify the ability to frame the evolution of organizational models and their implementation in practice. Particular attention will be paid in the process of evaluating learning and its results to the ability to analyze and grasp the critical factors emerging from the impact of new technologies on the role of the "person" in the organizational scene.

Course Structure

Lectures and group practical exercises

Required Prerequisites

In-depth knowledge of the main analysis dimensions of organizational psychology and social psychology is required.

Attendance of Lessons

Optional but highly recommended

Detailed Course Content

The course will focus on a historical-critical journey of the concepts of "organization" and "management", with particular reference to organizational change and innovation processes and the perverse effects that these processes can generate. Attention will therefore be paid to the analysis of the organizational models established over the last fifty years and the related declination of the management models applied. Particular attention will be paid to the evolution of the role of the "person" within organizations and to the evolution of group management practices in the process of achieving organizational objectives.

Textbook Information

a) Hatch, M.J. (2022). Teoria dell'organizzazione. Bologna: Il Mulino

b) Shani, A., Guerci, M., Cirella, S. (eds.) (2014). Collaborative Management Research: teoria, metodi, esperienze. Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore (capp.: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7)

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam takes place in oral form. The final evaluation can benefit from the outcome of individual or group exercises, planned by the teacher and whose participation is not obligatory but strongly recommended.

Below are the evaluation criteria that are followed to evaluate the student during the exam:

· Adequacy of expression regarding contents and method
· Lexical correctness
· Breadth and thematic awareness
· Ability for critical analysis
· Interdisciplinary connection ability
· Ability to re-elaborate the knowledge acquired
· Ability to transfer knowledge to operational contexts

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

a) The concept of complex organization?
b) What is the evolutionary path of the organization and its managerial models?
c) Building the organization. What analysis factors?
d) The role of organizational culture
e) The role of technology
f) Learning and change in organizations
g) What does the Collaborative Management Research model consist of?