Academic Year 2017/2018 - 2° Year - Curriculum Agenzie formative, servizi educativi, insegnamentoLearning Objectives
The class have the explicit goal of providing students with the main theoretical and empirical foundations of sociology. Therefore, it will be provided an overwiew of the classics of sociology as well as fundamental contemporary theories. Going in depth through the theoretical frame it will be asked the reading and comment of a classic of sociology (see texts below). In order to complete the construction of above theoretical frame the most important American and European theories on collective action will be studied, as to provide students with a critical and in-depth framework on collective phenomena. Moreover, the class aim at traning students to the methods and techniques of sociological research, making use of the research approach of who continually throwing doubt on the validity and reliability of the object to explain social phenomena; a good knowledge of methods and tools for social research will therefore be essential to learn the construction of the research design, in both standard and non-standard approach.
Detailed Course Content
INSTITUTIONAL TOPICS: 1) What is society?; Individual and collective social actors, and identity; Social structures: institution and organization. 2) The relationship between theory and research; Emile Durkheim; Georg Simmel; Karl Marx; Max Weber; The symbolic interactionism; The theories of social action. 3) Reading of a classic of sociology (see texts below). 4) Aspects and functions of sociological research; Developing research questions; Comparing quantitative and qualitative methods; The sampling; The interview; Questionnaire and survey. 5)
Textbook Information
Titles translated from the Italian editions, not edited in English language.
1) Crespi F., The sociological thought, il Mulino, 2002, Bologna, pp. 9-76; 89-110; 159-167; 195-229; 265-277.
2) To choose among: E. Durkheim, The Suicide; or G. Simmel The Fashion and The Sociability; or M. Weber, The Protestant Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism (different choices can be agreed with the teacher)
3) Daher L.M., Collective action. Theories and issues, FrancoAngeli, 2002, Milano; pp. 13-108.
4) Daher L.M., Notes on sociological research methods (pamphlet on line), pp. 3-24, and Marradi A., Metodology of social sciences, il Mulino, 2007, Bologna, pp. 79-204.