Department Organization

The Department of Education provides three BA degrees and two two-year MA degrees, which can be all grouped into three main teaching councils: Pedagogy and Education, Psychology, Tourism. The  Department has the aim of coordinating, developing and spreading the research in the fields of  Human Sciences, Humanities and Neuroscience.

Since the beginning of the first year, the Department guides the students to their professional integration through the so called ‘Best Practices’ by means of orientation seminars aimed at a good use of the apprenticeship activities, and permanent agreements with public and private territorial organizations, through stipulation of ad hoc agreements, such as region, province, city council and its several departments, local health districts, first help centres, jails, social service offices for minors, museums. This enhances an early integration in many workplaces.

The assistance and the service of monitoring and stage integration are managed efficiently by three offices for apprenticeship, according to the three main teaching councils, with their qualified staff, selected according to a public competition, and supervised by some scientific commissions, made up of professors and representatives of students, who manage all the procedures, propose the agreements, monitor all the external activities to assure the quality of the training and a good result of the vocational training.

Last updated: 
12/02/2019 - 08:36