Gaetano Maria ARENA

Full Professor of ROMAN HISTORY [STAN-01/B]
  • Ph.D. in Ancient History (Roma 1997)
  • Research grant in Roman History (Catania 1999-2003)
  • Associate Professor of Roman History at Catania University, Department of Educational Sciences
  • Member of the Scientific Commission in charge of monitoring the book heritage (monographs, periodicals, general works) of the Library of the Faculty of Educational Sciences in the A.A. 2006/2007 and 2007/2008.
  • Researchers Representative at the Faculty Council of Education Sciences for the academic years 2008 / 2009-2010 / 2011.
  • Member from 2009 to 2012 of the Teaching Board of the International Doctorate in Human Sciences (University of Catania) coordinated by prof. Francesco Coniglione (membership completed on 24.11.2009).
  • Member of the Consulta Universitaria di Storia Greca e Romana (C.U.S.G.R.) from 2009 to present.
  • Member of the Association Internationale d’Epigraphie grecque et latine (A.I.E.G.L.).
  • Member of the Associazione Internazionale di Studi Tardoantichi (A.I.S.T.) – Society for the Promotion of Late Antiquity Studies.
  • Member of the Centro di Archeologia Cretese of Catania University.
  • Ordinary member of the Società Italiana di Storia della Medicina (S.I.S.M.).
  • Member of interdisciplinary international Réseau ERA (Ecologia Roma AnticaÉcologie Rome Ancienne) about Nascita ed evoluzione della coscienza ecologica nell’antica Roma Naissance et évolution de la consciénce écologique dans le monde romain antique (Department SAGAS of Florence University, prof. I.G. Mastrorosa, and Tours University, prof. É. Gavoille):
  • Member of the Departmental Joint Committee for the 2012-2016 four-year period (elected on 19.12.2012).
  • Member of the FIR Scientific Committee of the International Interdisciplinary Conference on Myths, Beliefs and Religions in the Mediterranean and Spanish-American area, Catania 21-23 April 2016.
  • Member of the Academic Board of the Research Doctorate (XXXIII cycle) in Heritage Sciences and Cultural Production (University of Catania) coordinated by prof. Pietro Militello.
  • President of the Study Plans Commission, course changes, validations and transfers of the Study Course in Education and Training Sciences from 5.09.2018 to 13.12.2019.
  • Scientific Delegate of the Director of Library Services Department of the Department of Education from 11.29.2018.
  • Member of Editorial Board of Siculorum Gymnasium. A Journal for the Humanities (ISSN 2499-667X), scientific review peer-reviewed.
  • Member of Scientific Committee of Ricerche Ellenistiche (ISSN 2704-8292), scientific review peer-reviewed.
  • Member of Scientific Committee of Creta Antica (ISSN 1724-3688), scientific review peer-reviewed.
  • Member of the "Giunta" of Department of Scienze della Formazione for the four-year period 2020-2024.
  • Tutor teacher of the Degree Course in Scienze del Turismo (2020-2021).
  • Member of the University Commission for Libraries for the three-year period 2020-2023.
  • Full professor of Roman History at Catania University, Department of Educational Sciences from 01.10.2022.
  • Head of the Intra-departmental Section of Historical, Social and Territorial Sciences for the four-year period 2022-2026.
  • Winner of the XXXIV Anassilaos Prize Art Culture Economy Science Philosophy History Youth - Section "Megàle Hellàs" - Reggio Calabria, 18.11.2022.

Last update, 29.09.2023

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

Interests of research include:

  • characteristics and functions of urban centers and village communities in particular regional contexts (Pamphylia, Pisidia, Ionia, Bithynia, Cyrenaica)
  • relationship between politics geography and ancient cartography in Strabo’s “Geography”
  • alphabetization of army in Roman Egypt
  • oil production in Anatolia
  • slavery in Asia Minor
  • relationship between paganism and Christianity in the micrasiatic area
  • repressive practice adopted by imperial power against banditry
  • diseases and disabilities in Roman Egypt
  • production and sale of medicamenta in the Roman Mediterranean
  • economic, social and political role of the medical profession in the imperial age
  • ecology and environment in ancient world
  • the role of intellectuals and forms of exercising power
  • political institutions and diplomatic relations
  • gender and female status issues
  • strategic places of meeting and clash of cultures

Last update 28.01.2021

N.B. the number of theses can affect the loading time of the information