Academic Year 2018/2019 - 3° Year
Teaching Staff: Francesco MAIORANA
Credit Value: 8
Scientific field: INF/01 - INFORMATICS
Taught classes: 48 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide knowledge, competencies, and skills both in using and in designing software.

Dublin descriptors:

Apply their knowledge and understanding in a manner that indicates a professional approach to their work;devise and sustain arguments and solve problems within their field of study; gather, identify, interpret and use relevant data to formulate responses to concrete and abstract problems and to inform judgements that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues; learning skills; communication skills.

Other frameworks:

Learn to learn (European Commission); learn to do (UNESCO); interactive use of digital tool (OCED); acquire a digital literacy in information, media, and ICT (Partnership for 21st century skills); sharpen communication and collaboration skills using new technologies (ATC21s); develop an attitude to Problem Solving and to Computational Thinking (Wing, 2006).

Course Structure

As suggested in the framework Partnership for 21st Century skills a collaborative approach to project-based learning is encouraged. Students will realize project using algorithms, techniques and digital tools presented during the course. The pedagogical approach, in accordance with the modern constructivist theories, will be based on learning by doing, and project-based learning. Reflections on the pedagogies will be shared with the students. According to the Bring Your Own Device approach, students will be encouraged to use mobile devices (Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone) during the lessons. The lessons will favor a participated and cooperative approach.

Detailed Course Content

Module 1: Computational thinking (12H + applications along the whole course)


Sequential programming

Event programming

Rapid prototyping and visual block languages

Developing computational thinking using App Inventor. User interface design. Coding: input, output, conditions, cycles, procedures and functions with parameters, variables, lists. Permanent data storage: files, NoSQL database. Fundamental algorithms: searching and sorting.

Module 2: The digital world (transversal along the course):

Internet, World Wide Web, search engines and bibliographic research

Communication tools in the digital era

Collaboration tools in the digital era

Websites: design, languages, and tools

Design and implementation of presentations: design techniques and tools

Information representation and management tools: computer architecture

Introduction to tourism management software.

Module 3: Database design and use (12H)

NO SQL database

Database design

Websites: design techniques and usability evaluation

Module 4: Data analysis (12H)

Spreadsheets: References, ranges, formula, and functions

Spreadsheet applications


Fusion table

Pivot tables and Pivot charts

Open data and their analysis using spreadsheets

Textbook Information

  • Angelo Chianese, Vincenzo Moscato, Antonio Picariello. I fondamenti dell'informatica per gli umanisti. Un viaggio nel mondo dei BIT. (2010) Liguori

  • Luca Mari, Giacomo Buonanno, Donatella Sciuto. Informatica e cultura dell'informazione 2/ed (2013). Mc Graw Hill Education.

  • Lawrence Snyder.. Fluency. Conoscere e usare l'informatica. Ediz. mylab. 6/ed (2015) Pearson

  • Mobile Computer Science Principles course

  • Use of scientific and technical documentation available on the Web and on selected Database with a suitable Creative Common licence
  • Course handouts

Course handouts: go to Studium