Paola Clara LEOTTA


Latest update 30/05/2022

Born in Catania (Italy) September 19th, 1972. 

A levels (High School Diploma, Foreign Languages,  1990), full marks.

M.A.  Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures (Catania, 1996), first- class honours.

Post-graduate degree in Didactics of English Language and Literature (Rome, 1999).

PhD in English and Anglo-American Studies (Catania, 2004).

Associate Professor of English Language and Translation, academic field L-LIN/12, at the University of Catania.

Teacher of English Linguistics  (1st  level degree of Psychological  Science and Techniques, and Science of Education); English for Psychology (2nd  level degree in Psychology)

ERASMUS TEACHER     7-12/03/21, University of Burgos, Spain

VISITING PROFESSOR   1-31/05/2022, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, GrigoI Robakidze University, Georgia

Latest update 30/05/2022

2004- Lecturer, English Language and Literature, University of Catania

 2009- Researcher,  English Language and Translation, University of Catania

2015- Associate Professor, English Language and Translation, University of Catania

2018- Trained as Senior Professor, University of Catania

Member of several national and international research projects

Reviewer of national and international scientific journals.

Member of REPRISE (Register of Expert Peer Reviewers for Italian Scientific Evaluation)

Member of several Boards within the Department of Educational Science, University of Catania

Referee of an Erasmus+ Agreement (EBurgos01)

Referee of an Erasmus+ Agreement (EGranada01)

Supervisor of the research fellowship two-year programme: “English for Specific purposes: methods and applications in research on languages and translation".

Department Delegate for Internationalisation - Erasmus Coordinator

Speaker at national and international conferences.

Vice-Coordinator PhD Programme in  "Processi Formativi, Modelli Teorico-trasformativi e metodi di ricerca applicati al territorio" dell'Università di Catania. (teacher in the years 35th, 36th, 37th) 


N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

Latest update 30/05/2022

- Member of five national and international research projects.

- Supervisor of the research fellowship three-year programme: “English for Specific purposes: methods and applications in research on languages and translation".
 Her current research mainly focuses on four fields of English Linguistics:

1. "New Englishes", with particular reference to the socio-linguistic study of Indian English;

2. English for Specific Purposes, applied to English for Psychology and Psychiatry, to Neurolinguistic Programming as a teaching method, and to popularization of scientific Discourse;

3. Translation Studies, with particular reference to Audiovisual translation;

4. English Language acquisition and bilingualism.

5. Popularization of scientific English discourse

6. Early acquisition of English language

7. Expressive writing in English

- Member of the "Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca" for the Community University Engagement.

- Programme Committee Member of 11th International Conference on European Transnational Education ICEUTE 2020, Burgos (Spain)16-18 SEPTEBER 2020 

  • Member of Progetto di Ricerca Dipartimentale di Ateneo 2020/22 (Pia.ce.ri): Millenarismi, visioni profetiche, fenomenologie ‘New Age’: crisi epocali e proiezioni ricostruttive nelle comunità sociali, linguistiche ed educative dal Medioevo al mondo contemporaneo (P.I. Letterio Todaro)
  • Member of Scientific Board of "Analecta Humanitatis" (Bonanno publishing house)
  • Editorial Board Member of European Scientific Journal -ESJ, since Feb. 2021.

Erasmus Teacher, 7-12/03/21, University of Burgos (Spain)


  • Program Committee Member, (General Track) , 12th International Conference on EUropean Transnational Educational ICEUTE 2020, 2021, 2022
  •  Agreement of Cooperation between the University of Catania and Grigol Robakidze University (Tbilisi, Georgia), signed 1 February 2021.
  • Bilateral Agreement for Joint Post-Doctoral Program, between the University of Catania and European Scientific Institute (ESI), signed 26 February 2021.

  • Scientific Representative Erasmus Agreement with University of Burgos, 1, 2, 3 levels. (EBurgos01).
  • Scientific Representative Erasmus Agreement with University of Granada (EGranada01).
  • Scientific Representative Erasmus Agreement with University of Granada, Melilla campus.
  • Scientific Representative Erasmus Agreement with University of Poznan 
  • Scientific Representative Erasmus Agreement with University of Salamanca
  • Scientific Representative Erasmus Agreement with University of Lodz 
  • Scientific Representative Agreement between University of Catania and European Scientific Institute,  Postdoctoral Program 2021/22  Topic: Social Sciences and Humanities in a Post-Crisis Period. ( Coordinator of organizing and scientific committee of Research Visit, Catania 1/15 June 2022.
  • 1)Scientific Representative of Young apprenticeship programme"“La figura del ricercatore nelle Scienze della Formazione”, Liceo Convitto Cutelli and Dept. of Educational Science, Catania. A.Y. 2021/2022
  • 2) Tutor of visiting incoming Professor: Concetta Maria Sigona, University of Burgos (Spain) 1/10/2021 - 2/11/2021.

  • Tutor of visiting Erasmus STA Concetta Maria Sigona and Alba Fernandez Alonso, University of Burgos (Spain) 6 -10  December 2021.


Latest update 30/05/2022

International press agent, Rai Radiotelevisione Italiana

Translator (Department of Engineering, University of Catania)

 Conference interpreter (Departments of Educational Science, Law, Natural Sciences, Economics)

Tutor  (Sarah Lawrence College- New York, Scuola Superiore di Catania per la Formazione d’Eccellenza)

 “Docente Tutor” (Department of Educational Science, B.A. course in “Formazione di Operatori Turistici” , B.A. course in Educational Science, Post-graduate course in “Didattica e psicopedagogia per i disturbi specifici dell’apprendimento”)

Member of several scientific commissions within the Department of Educational Science

Member of scientific commission within the Scuola Superiore di Catania per la Formazione d’Eccellenza

Member of REPRISE (Register of Expert Peer Reviewers for Italian Scientific Evaluation)

Member of CURE (Community University  Research Engagement)

Department Delegate for Internationalisation - Erasmus Coordinator

Member of the Teaching Committee of the PhD course in "Educational Processes, Theoretical-Transformative Models and Research Methods Applied to Territory" , University of Catania. (YEAR 35TH AND 36TH) 

Member of board in charge of syllabus B.A and M.A. courses in Psychology.

Member of University Board for Internationalization.

N.B. the number of theses can affect the loading time of the information