Responsabile scientifico
Agenzia Nazionale LLP-ISFOL Programma settoriale Leonardo da Vinci 
Antonia Criscenti
“SMILEY – Social Mindedness in Learning communitY” 
LLP Comenius 
Grzegorz Jerzy Kaczynski
“NICE – Network for Innovation Career counselling & guidance in Europe” 
Programma LLP – Erasmus Academic Networks 
Roberta Piazza
“Multicultural Schools – Enhancing Cultual and Linguistic Treasure of Europe through Teachers” 
Programma Erasmus+ Bando KA2 
Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices 

Liana Maria Daher

“Qualifications Framework Platform for the development of learning outcomes based curriculum” (QFP) 
Programma Erasmus+ Bando KA2 
Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices 
Roberta Piazza
“IENE 7 – Improving communication, intercultural and social skills for foreigners and migrants who work as caregivers of elderly people in Europe” 
Programma Erasmus+ Bando KA2 
Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices 
Maria Elvira De Caroli
“ ApprEnt – Refining Higher Education Apprenticeships with Enterprises in Europe” 
Programma Erasmus+ Bando KA3 
Support for policy reform – VET – Business Partnerships on Work – based learning and Apprenticeships 
Roberta Piazza
“ NORADICA – Inter Religious Dialogue Against Radicalization of Youth through Innovative Learning Practises at School” 
Programma Erasmus+ Bando KA2 
Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices 
Liana Maria Daher
“Hostis-Hospes. Connecting People for a Europe of Diversities” 
Bando “Pilot Project Europe of diversities” 
Maria Tomarchio
“The Unteachables – Helping the new generations of school teachers turn increasingly unteachable young students into young learnables” 
Programma Erasmus+ Bando KA2 
Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices 


Roberta Piazza
"TIEREF - Toward inclusive education for Refugee Children" Programma Erasmus+ Bando KA3
Support for Policy Reform
Liana Maria Daher
"TASK 21 - edTech and Ai for essential SKills in the 21st Century" Programma Erasmus+ Bando KA2 
Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices 
Emanuele Coco
"AGROECOINN - Evaluation of agro - ecological development potential through transnational cooperation and entrepreneurial innovation" Programma Erasmus+ Bando KA2 
Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices 
Marco Platania
"AIM - Accessible Information Material" Programma Erasmus+ Bando KA2 
Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices 
Roberta Piazza
"BE YOU - Building Entrepreneurial mindset in YOUth for a sustainable society"  Programma Erasmus+ Bando KA2 
Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices 
Emanuele Coco
"Jersey Roots Global Reach: Rutgers as a Center for an International Organization" Programma Rutgers Global International Collaborative Research Grant Roberta Piazza


Ultima modifica: 
03/05/2021 - 14:58