Emanuele PIAZZA

Associate Professor of MEDIEVAL HISTORY [HIST-01/A ]

He received his PhD in History of Mediterranean Europe from Antiquity to Contemporary Age from University of Basilicata (Potenza) on March 7th, 2008. From 2008 to 2012, he was Research Fellow in Medieval History at the Department of Training Processes of the Faculty of Education, University of Catania, and from December 2012, he was Researcher in Medieval History at the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Catania. From 04-11-2019 is Associate Professor in Medieval History at the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Catania.

Last update, September 2023

Dr. Emanuele Piazza was born in Catania on June 20th, 1978. He received his Master's Degree with honors in Modern Literature from the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, University of Catania, on July 9th, 2004, and his PhD in History of Mediterranean Europe from Antiquity to Contemporary Age from University of Basilicata (Potenza) on March 7th, 2008. From 2008 to 2012, he was Research Fellow in Medieval History at the Department of Training Processes of the Faculty of Education, University of Catania, and on May 21st, 2009, he was appointed Teaching Assistant by the Council of the Teaching Aggregate Structure “Pedagogy and Education” of the Faculty of Education, University of Catania. From December 2012, he was Researcher in Medieval History at the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Catania. From 04-11-2019 is Associate Professor in Medieval History at the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Catania. He held seminars for the courses of Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Sciences, Child Educational Sciences and Tourism. He was Lecturer in Medieval History (Bachelor’s Degree course in Educational Sciences, Academic Year 2011/2012). He has contributed with papers to conferences (Brescia 2007; Catania 2010) and seminar (Catania 2014; 2017); he is member of the editorial board of the journals “Annali della facoltà di Scienze della formazione - Università degli studi di Catania” and “Archivio Storico Siracusano”, and he is contributor of “Medioevo latino. Bollettino bibliografico della cultura europea da Boezio a Erasmo (secoli VI-XV)”. From 2022 he is a contributor of International Medieval Bibliography”. From 2013 he is also a member of SISMED (Società Italiana degli Storici Medievisti). He is member of the Research Group FIR 2014: "Regine, re e viceré: immagini e strategie del potere in Sicilia fra tardo medioevo e prima età moderna. Le fonti materiali per una storia dinamica del territorio" (PI prof.ssa Carmelina Urso). He manages the editorial project, in cooperation with Alteritas - Interazione tra i popoli (Verona), entitled: "Quis est qui ligno pugnat? Missionari ed evangelizzazione nell’Europa tardoantica e medievale (secc. IV-XIII)/Quis est qui ligno pugnat? Missionaries and Evangelization in Late Antique and Medieval Europe (4th -13th centuries)". He is member of the Research Project "El Ego-trouble en discursos de y sobre la autoridad episcopal en la Edad Media", Universidad de Buenos Aires (supervisor Dr. Andrea Vanina Neyra), and of the Research Project “Paisajes sensoriales, sonidos y silencios de la Edad Media (II)”, radicado en el Grupo de Investigación y Estudios Medievales (GIEM) del Centro de Estudios Históricos (CEHis) de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (Argentina), Subsidio HUM 478/15, Código de Incentivos 15/F538, Período de ejecución 01/01/2015 al 31/12/2016. He is also member of the “Grupo de Investigación y Estudios Medievales (GIEM) del Centro de Estudios Históricos (CEHis) de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (Argentina)” (OCA 3680/16). He organized the international conference “La Sicilia nei secoli VI-X. Dinamiche di poteri e culture tra oriente e Occidente”, held at the Department of Educational Science-University of Catania (14-16 november 2019). Nowdays he is member of Teaching Staff of PhD in Processi formativi, modelli teorico-trasformativi e metodi di ricerca applicati al territorio, Department of Educational Science-University of Catania. He is member of the scientific board of the Centro studi Longobardi; he is also member of Episcopus: Society for the Study of Bishops and the Secular Clergy in the Middle Ages; of the Association Internationale d’Études Patristiques/International Association of Patristic Studies; of the Associazione italiana per lo studio della santità, dei culti e dell’agiografia”; of the PSALM-Network (Politics, Society and Liturgy in the Middle Ages).

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

The sources of the Romano-barbarian kingdoms, the history of mentality in the Early Middle Ages and the political and religious history of Sicily between the fifth and ninth centuries.

N.B. the number of theses can affect the loading time of the information